To keep members motivated and to help reach their fitness goals, Club Lime has introduced a Digital Membership option for all active members. Photo: Supplied.
The music has stopped, the weights are put away and rooms once filled with happy, active people are now empty.
Following a direction from the federal government on 23 March to restrict the movement of people to contain the spread of coronavirus, 5000 fitness businesses that provide jobs for 40,000 people have been forced to close, leaving businesses, employees and patrons devastated.
Viva Leisure CEO and Managing Director Harry Konstantinou said, “This week we face the challenging and unimaginable position to be legally required to close our clubs, together with the entire industry. The decision by the federal government to close all gyms and indoor sporting venues affects the livelihood of over 1000 Viva Leisure team members who work tirelessly every day in our business to help people live better lives.”
Viva Leisure operates 77 health clubs in the ACT, NSW, Victoria and Queensland, with the majority operating under the Club Lime and hiit republic brands.
“Unfortunately, gyms and indoor sports centres were considered as part of the restrictions as non-essential. As we consider our facilities essential to the physical and mental well being of our members, we are extremely disappointed. We want to be open but it is out of our control,” Mr Konstantinou said.
At present there is no date specified for the reopening of gyms or indoor sporting venues. Restrictions will be reviewed monthly.
Konstantinou advised that all members’ regular direct debit fees have been paused.
“If you have recently had a direct debit processed, then any unused days associated with that previous direct debit will be added as a credit for when the clubs re-open. You will not be out of pocket.”
To keep members motivated and to reach their fitness goals, the group has introduced a Digital Membership option for all active members. The Digital Membership option will provide access to a range of apps to provide members with different workouts based on individual fitness and health requirements. The cost of the Digital Membership is $4 per week.
Fore more information visit Club Lime