I have a theory about the ACT Government’s NoWaste by 2010 policy.
Now in recent times we have heard stories of some rubbish tips closing and others having their fees raised considerably. This led me to idly wonder if the reason we’d have no waste by five years’ time would be because we’d have nowhere to put it.
And now I have proof this is the case.
Exhibit A: wheely bins of the size issued whenever it was they were issued. Note the size of the rubbish bin compared to the recycling bin.
Exhibit B: wheely bins of the size I have noticed appearing on the newer streets of Canberra in the past few months. Again, note the size of the rubbish bin compared to the recycling bin.
What’s this you say? The newer bins are smaller? I rest my case.
(PS this is my first conspiracy theory so go easy)