17 September 2005

Conspiracy #2010

| Kerces
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I have a theory about the ACT Government’s NoWaste by 2010 policy.

Now in recent times we have heard stories of some rubbish tips closing and others having their fees raised considerably. This led me to idly wonder if the reason we’d have no waste by five years’ time would be because we’d have nowhere to put it.

And now I have proof this is the case.

Exhibit A: wheely bins of the size issued whenever it was they were issued. Note the size of the rubbish bin compared to the recycling bin.

Old rubbish bin

Exhibit B: wheely bins of the size I have noticed appearing on the newer streets of Canberra in the past few months. Again, note the size of the rubbish bin compared to the recycling bin.

New rubbish bin

What’s this you say? The newer bins are smaller? I rest my case.

(PS this is my first conspiracy theory so go easy)

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Been nearly two days of deafening silence Spitfire… looks like there are no volunteers.

What did we do in the days before wheely bins? It wasn’t all that long ago…

I’m sure we all remember rubbish bins that you could use for cricket, that teeny-boppers didn’t melt and that could not be luged behind fast moving vehicles. And they were much smaller than the wheely bins.

I’m sure if size is an issue you can a) put stuff in your neighbours bin (C’mon, most of us have done this at one point or another), or b) Ask for a second wheely bin.

If the people at Urban Services start getting nosy as to why you require a second I recommend you tell them that based on the grounds that people are getting fatter, the corpses of your victims are getting harder to dispose of. If they know what’s good for them they’ll give you a second bin…

This page on the No Waste site says the garbage bins we have now are 140 litres, and the yellow-lidded recycling bins are 240 litres. It doesn’t say anything about the new bins. However, it does say “for more information, contact Cleanaway on 6260 1547”. I’m not lame enough, anal enough or bored enough to call them up and ask about it, but I’m betting someone here is! Who’s gonna prove me right???

Ok I’ve got one of the old bins and its measurements are 99x39x39cm (at the top, it tapers a little).

Which is 150,579 cubic cm. Which google tells me is 150.579 litres.

Someone with a newer bin care to measure theirs?

It’s about how you use it…

Well technique plays its part.

But as Sam points out, it still depends what you’re trying to put into where.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart1:49 pm 17 Sep 05

The wide ones are good for preventing wide things getting stuck, the long ones are good at holding long things…that sounded much more insightful when I said it to myself.

It’s about how you use it…

Which is better? Length or width? The debate of the ages goes on…

The rubbish bin in the second photo looks a lot like my parents’ one up on the Sunshine Coast in Qld. If it is the same sort, then yes they’re wider than the one’s we’re all used to here. As for volume, I’m sure a bit of researching on the net could net you some figures as to the litre capacity of both sorts. In any case, after I moved down to Canberra from Qld, I always felt that the tall skinny bins here held less than the short fat ones up there.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart11:39 pm 16 Sep 05

I wonder what the water restrictions are for wheelie bins?

Sounds like Kerces will need to get the hose out for a volume test.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart9:09 pm 16 Sep 05

My theory is that No Waste is actually an acronym that the government are working towards:
NO Workers AAchieving Set Tasks Ever

It can be surprisingly deceptive trying to judge volume. I’m not saying you’re wrong (deceptivness affects me equally) – it would be interesting to actually measure them.

I thought this too at first Spectra, but the newer bins are only a tiny bit fatter than the old ones, but I didn’t think it was enough of a difference to offset the height, which is about a third less or maybe more.

And the old bins got collected weekly too, so if the new ones are smaller then there is less rubbish being collected overall.

Two minor problems – it’s tough to be sure from the photos, but I think the rubbish bin in the second shot is a tad wider – it doesn’t take much increase in width/depth to make up for the drop in height and keep the volume roughly the same.

Secondly, rubbish is collected once a week, recycling once a fortnight, so actually, the bin volume per pickup is higher for rubbish.

Nice first try though – I look forward to your next one 🙂

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