The ABC are crunching the numbers out at the Cotter Dam Expansion.
The budget for the Cotter dam enlargement project is set to blow out to more than $400 million.
The ACT Government has revealed the cost of the project rose by $33.5 million to almost $379 million, before floodwaters inundated the construction site earlier this month.
The project by Canberra’s water authority had been costed at $363 million and was due to be completed by August.
But the project has been plagued by wet weather since construction began in 2010.
UPDATE 27/03/12 16:03: The Liberals’ Zed Seselja is pointing out this will lead, eventually, to higher water prices:
“Water prices have already increased by 200 per cent since ACT Labor came to power and Canberrans will now once again be stung with even higher prices due to Labor’s inability to manage infrastructure projects.
“ACT Labor’s attempts to first blame the blowout on the March floods were made a mockery of by today’s revelation that the blown out had occurred before the rain began.
“Their attempts to then blame the cost blowout on 2010 and 2011 being „rainy years? is farcical and confirms they had no weather contingency planning in formulating the dam budget.
“Contingency planning really comes down to a question of basic competence, a test which ACT Labor has abjectly failed. Their short-term thinking on infrastructure has left Canberrans footing the bill for their budget blowouts and it’s unacceptable.
“The Canberra Liberal’s Infrastructure Canberra policy would develop a long-term infrastructure strategy which takes into account such contingencies including prospective economic variables. It would be overseen by an independent Infrastructure Commissioner, supported by a board, to advise on developments for the long-term interests of Canberra.