28 February 2013

Cull statistics

| johnboy
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Someone has FOI’d the numbers in the ACT’s kangaroo culls which means we can share the numbers.

Interestingly the culls only started in 2009 with 494 roos culled, reached a peak in 2011 with 2439, and declined last year to 1154.

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There are about 2000 roo/car crashes in the ACT every year.

Roo’s can drive better than most ACT residents

Am I the only one thinking McCull Burgers? Yum

switch said :

Secret meetings are now being held between kangaroos and bicyclists to wage war upon their common enemy.

What? If you think ‘roos are a danger to 4 wheels, they are much worse to anything on two.

DrKoresh said :

This is a tragedy, animals are people too! :'(


I think you mean people are animals too…

I presume one year the government will actually evaluate the effect of the cull on roo-car collisions. I expect the answer to be zero (and you certainly don’t see it reflected in insurance premiums, do you? have they gone down since culling started?)


Secret meetings are now being held between kangaroos and bicyclists to wage war upon their common enemy.

The William Hovell Drive cull kills way more than that.

This is a tragedy, animals are people too! :'(


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