I noticed this morning that TAMS is digging up a burial pit of last year’s kangaroo slaughter. The pit is in the horse paddocks next to the Wanniassa Hills Reserve (which I wrote about in 2011).
What is the purpose?
The trench that has been dug right over the burial pit, although substantial it would not carry all that many carcasses.
Could it be a potential trap for activists? I scouted the surrounding trees for a CCTV device, to no avail.
Could it be for research purposes?
Perhaps an enterprising collaborative research project between CRIMM (Canberra Research Institute for Macropods and Markmanship – apologies to IP) and the cemetery section of TAMS, to establish tissue decomposition rates for the proposed nearby Hume cemetery?
Fletcher and Iglesias of CRIMM may perhaps wish to enlighten us.