I went to do a fire drill on the farm on the weekend and tried to kick over the fire pump. I’ve been slack and let it sit for a year, and needless to say it took a lot of coaxing and there was a lot of stalling irrespective of throttle and choke control. So my initial conclusion is that the fuel needs to be replaced. So I have a few litres of old fuel that I can’t burn, can’t pour down a drain, and leaves me with the reluctant options of either letting it evaporate [potentially dangerous] or just pouring it onto a patch of weeds. Do the oil disposal points at tips take old fuel?
As the federal election nears, reality should derail Dutton's strongman juggernaut
Bretto Pos It's Capitalism that people are waking up and finding out that Capitalism is no good! View
P - Your assertion of the link between public spending and inflation doesn't match up with the… View
Rustus Ellis well we have an ex union delegate as a pm so why not an ex cop View
Scam or no scam, victim blaming is never okay
@Incidental Tourist " Loosing (sic) $100,000 as “exit fee” in a retirement village is legal."… View
Loosing $100 to online scammer is a crime. Loosing $100,000 as "exit fee" in a retirement village is… View
The majority of these scams can be avoided by following two simple rules: 1. Treat ALL calls or… View
Barr rules out joint housing venture with racing club ... in this term at least
Ah, another day, another post by Jack D supporting the closure of any and all community facilities.… View
It’s our racing park Leave it alone please View
Surely there's a private developer who would take on this partnership. View
Hybrid battery failures the 'next big negative news story for EV technology'
Actually, LFP batteries Do degrade - all batteries will eventually. However, this specific chemistry… View
A standout feature of LFP batteries are much better at repeatedly cycling through from full to empty… View
You know that hydrogen vehicles run off an electric motor powered with a battery, right? The fuel… View