DiVerSiTY is a nine letter word is an exhibition by nine Canberra Photographic Society Members – Brian Rope, Judy Parker, Andree Lawrey, Steve Caress, Genrikh Salata, Ray Osmotherly, Barb Smith, Ross Gould and Lisbeth Westra.
The exhibition is to be held at the Strathnairn Homestead Gallery, 90 Stockdill Street, Holt on the last three weekends in May (15th/16th, 22nd/23rd and 29th/30th). The Gallery is open from 10am to 4.30pm on each of those days.
DiVerSiTY is a nine letter word is really nine exhibitions in one. Each participating member will have his or her own space in the Gallery and will be exhibiting images which typify their interests, views of life, photographic techniques, etc.
The official opening will take place on Saturday 15th May at 2.30pm and all are welcome.