The last thing I want to do is create another cyclist vs motorist thread on this site. However, as a cyclist and motorist who witnessed another cyclist hit on Northbourne Avenue yesterday morning, I honestly wonder how much longer until they say, “Okay, we tried this – it’s unsafe, so we’re stopping it or trying something else.”
I still regularly use the Northbourne cycling lanes and have been hit by a left-turning car myself. Basically there are two main types of accidents that will keep happening again and again while there are cyclists on a road like Northbourne.
The main one – this morning’s example – is any car making a left turn from a side street on to Northbourne. Driver does a quick check, no cars coming, continues accelerating and doesn’t see the bike right in front of them. The second (which is how I got hit) is when cars suddenly make left turns off Northbourne and leave the cyclist beside them with nowhere to go, especially as traffic backs up in the Braddon area.
Canberra’s cycling infrastructure is absolutely world class – I highly doubt I’d take the risk of riding to work in Sydney or Melbourne. Although, if we’re about to spend $1 billion on a tram, how about a proper separated cycleway along the same route? Or is this somehow included?