The Greens are planning to meet and greet Donna and Mick Franklin, a couple currently engaged in an interstate ride to raise awareness about the dangers of Coal Seam Gas mining and also the importance of water.
‘The Woop, Woop Ride‘ campaign has been going for three months now with Donna and Mick riding a team of nine horses.
Donna and Mick have been riding for three months with a team of nine horses.
Starting at Grafton in September and following the National Trail stock routes, they have braced bushfires, thunderstorms and flooded river crossings.Glenugie farmers Donna and Mick Franklin are heading the campaign and will arrive at Parliament House on horseback.
Mick and his family have a deep and abiding attachment to their land, their horses and their water. The threat by Metgasco’s CSG drilling operations at Glenugie drove the family into action.
Greens spokesperson for water Senator Rhiannon and Greens spokesperson for CSG Senator Waters will be part of the welcome party and will address the rally.
The Greens have been the only Parliamentary Party with a policy of no new CSG.