Greens MLA Caroline Le Couteur is celebrating the passage of her bill (so it’s a law now) to tackle the urban scourge (or resource depending on how you swing) of shopping trolleys.
“The final legislation gives the Government the power to notify retailers that it will undertake a ‘trolley collection day’ in a particular area; if the Government then finds any trolleys in this area, it may fine the responsible retailers.”
“TAMS rangers also have the power to tell retailers to collect particular trolleys within 24 hours, or face a fine.”
“The legislation encourages retailers to prevent trolleys from leaving their premises in the first place by using coin locks or other containment systems.”
“It also addresses the issue of people taking trolleys. It allows authorities to require a person to return trolleys, or to issue fines,” Ms Le Couteur said.
On the other hand considering the ACT Government manages a brothel inspection every five years this might only give rise to supermarket trolley nazis.
A plus though is that coin locks effectively outsource coin collection to child labour, bringing the ACT more closely in line with our Asian neighbours.