The ACT State of the Environment 2007 mentions – “The expansion of the airport has affected the accuracy of measurements at the weather station.”. At a later date an “Update: Clarification….” was added by the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) and ANU Fenner School staffers which included a pdf report “Has Development around Canberra Airport affected its use as a Climate Reference Station?”. It is stated “The new comparison site is expected to be operational by the end of September 2008.” This looks to be CANBERRA AIRPORT COMPARISON Site number: 70351 which can be downloaded at this BoM page. Does anybody know where this new temperature recorder is located ?
A blog – “Errors in IPCC climate science” (EIICS) has an article “Evidence for a strong urbanization signal – 0.3 degrees C per decade in Canberra Airport temperature data 1997-2009”. This issue goes to the very heart of IPCC anthropogenic global warming (AGW) because there are hundreds of busy airport stations like Canberra in IPCC global data. Located in the HQ of the Rudd Empire at a time when the ETS will soon be front page again – there are lots of fascinating nuances in this story.
Is EIISC correct in claiming a “..strong urbanization signal..” over the 13 years ? or is the Fenner School correct in claiming the site “..has remained relatively unchanged through to 2005.”