Masthead for sale?

Today’s Canberra Times masthead is adorned by a luvverly ALP campaign sticker.
“Authorised by” gumpf on the reverse?
So who looks more desperate?
And is this going a bit far for an ad sale in a vehicle which aspires to be the paper of record?
The ABC has a bit in which editor Peter Fray defends his decision.
The Canberra Times has now added an attempt to explain themselves to their website.
The conservation council have released their environmental scorecard.
Your say on crumpet:

The Canberra Times carries Labor denials that they’ll bring in pay parking in Mawson. (You think you’re across the issues and something else comes up)
The Chief Minister’s office has pushed out a release listing all the beloved things the cruel Liberals would cut.
The ABC bears Labor promises of more environmental motherhood statements.
In case you didn’t get the message Jon Stanhope is again asking how spending can be slashed without job cuts.
John Hargreaves is also horrified by the thought of cuts to his beloved Municipal services.
But the clincher of this argument is probably: LIBERALS TARGET CONSTABLE KENNY KOALA
In the CT the Greens are being coy about what they’d do with a balance of power. Wait and see what gets offered would be my advice too.
The CPSU has been bleating to the ABC about the potential apocalypse of Liberal spending cuts on the ACT Public Service.
Zed’s been telling the CT that he can slash spending without reducing jobs. By having public servants sitting around idle perhaps? Brilliant! Slash the jobs you wimp.
CAP is trumpeting a “Community Contract wherein they promise to deliver what they think you want.
Norvan Vogt is promising to abolish stamp duty for first home buyers. Have you heard that song before?
Field Notes:
Az writes:
- After Labor’s federal victory I waited for a legal inquiry into the Iraq invasion. Legal boffins around the country had publicly expressed grave concerns and I thought a change of government might shine some light onto all that muckiness. But nothing happened. They didn’t want the findings I guess.
Now I see some ex-US military officer running as a local candidate and I can’t help feeling like the SS just came to town and are asking for my vote.
I loath the Americans and wish they’d just implode. I don’t like Australia being a lickspittle 🙁 I wish it was a proud, self-believing country that didn’t need an imperial overlord. Go away Mike Hettinger. Your accent makes me angry.
Dante opined:
- I’ve just seen a TV ad claiming that the Australian Motorists Party will provide ‘a cleaner environment’ as a result of their policies that would improve Canberra’s roads and reduce congestion… this was spoken and written on screen.
All I can find on their website relating to ‘green’ policies:
* The AMP will eliminate registration fees (not 3rd party insurance) for any non fossil fuel powered vehicle
* The AMP will reduce the current registration fee by 50% for any hybrid vehicle
* The AMP will implement programs to encourage more extensive use of LPG and Natural Gas in motor vehicles
* The AMP will encourage the wider use of ethanol based fuels at these are more friendly to the environment
As of yet, there is no such thing as a mass produced commercially available vehicle that doesn’t run on fossil fuels. Nice idea for 10 years time perhaps. All other policies still relate to emission-causing combustion..
Is it just my mind that tries to jump out of my head and strangle myself at this ridiculous juxtaposition?
Hippo suggested:
- I know the election is nearly done and gone (hallelujah to no more campaign adds)… but I just have to throw in my two cents worth….Amongst the 20 different Labor ads (how much did all these cost?) bombarding my precious TV time there is one that says it all for me when it comes to how I’ll vote this weekend. A beautiful, well polished, obviously expensive add, showing our illustrious leader, Mr Stanhope, and his faithful second in command, Katy. This add flashes through the pair, firstly with some teachers and students at some kind of school event. Then with medical professionals – possibly hard working nurses and a well cared for patient. Next we have the duo consulting with someone in a hard hat and reflective vest on some kind of building site (possibly a new home)… and so this add goes on. But where it really hits home is that in SEVEN years in office, Jon and Katy were not able to source a single file photo to portray these actions, and had to stage every single one of them for this slick bit of media folly. Katy and Jon are in the same clothes in each shot, and low and behold, it’s the same clothes they’re wearing in the final shot of the ‘Labor team’ backed by the lake.
Sorry Jon, you’ve lost credibility. Even the ‘serious Katy’ adds reflecting on the Liberal’s campaign aren’t going to win me back.
Cheers to the Community Alliance Party – a voice of reason above the babble of chaos.