Meredith Hunter is calling on Defence to reveal all that it knows about the dangerous chemicals left behind at the Naval Transmission Station at Lawson.
The CT has the unsurprising news that the shopkeepers of Calwell would very much like to see the Liberals get into Government.
Substantive policy or statements 0 v. Election ads on YouTube 2. First they ping Mr. Stanhope on trust, then offer “The Facts” on his record.
The ABC brings word that the Liberals are suing for access to planning documents related to the Tuggeranong power station. Jon Stanhope has effectively said “bring it on”.
Mulcahy Canberra Party:
The Mulcahy Canberra Party has it’s very first policy! After consulting with the taxi industry (not the long suffering taxi users) they’ve unveiled a plan to consult some more and stop bringing any more competition into the market until they’ve finished consulting.
Richard has also told the ABC that he would like to see a police station in Kingston to deal with the classiest of Canberra drunks. Richard’s media release on this is now online.
CT election blogger Ben Davey is stirring the possum of Jon Stanhope’s pronunciation of Katy Gallagher’s name (soft G people).
Andrew Barr has found $30,000 for refurbishing Belconnen West’s tennis surfaces.
The inseparable duo are now promising a paltry $1.6 million for carers. Which is $1.6 million more than Zed’s put on the table.
The Jon and Katy show are committing $6.7 million for PWADs (People With A Disability).
The infamous money for play the rapists has now been announced by Ms Gallagher (on a rare solo flight).
John Hargreaves wants parents to know that the Libraries he hasn’t closed are great for school holiday activities.