Belconnen’s Elle Formica has announced she’s in the running for the category of the American Express Room for
Thought project and would like your votes.
The Room for Thought project seeks big ideas from Australians in the areas of community, fashion and music. The winning idea from each category will be turned into reality through the direction and experience of a high profile mentor – Miranda Otto, Peter Alexander or Paul Mac.
Chosen from hundreds of entries from across Australia, Formica submitted the idea to create a restaurant that showcases cuisine that is under-represented in Australia. It would be run in partnership with people from different cultures, with help and training offered by hospitality professionals.
“My idea is not just a place to eat, but is a unique experience where the focus is on connection, breaking down prejudice, broadening your understanding and having an incredible time in a festival type atmosphere,” said Formica.
To vote for her you need to hit up the AMEX facebook page