Five Emergency Services Workers’ efforts in protecting Canberra have been recognised with a special centenary certificate and a medal.
The five recipients of this year’s ACT Community Protection Medal are:
Detective Sergeant Ronald Melis, who has served the ACT Community as a police officer for over 25
years. Detective Sergeant Melis has been a mentor and coach to many members of ACT Policing and
has developed a wide range of projects during his tenure, most recently of which was developing and
fully implementing Random Roadside Drug Testing.Mr Christopher Keogh from the ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS) who has been with the service for
over 20 years. He has been involved in a range of activities including a member of the SnowyHydro
Southcare aero-medical rescue and retrieval team and has been instrumental in organising multi agency
training exercises for paramedic students.Mr Scott Johansen, ACT Fire and Rescue, who has a long and outstanding service history with Fire and
Rescue. Mr Johansen has worked tirelessly to develop a training package for operators of the Services’
aerial appliances and has trained and assessed numerous members in aerial operations.Mr Brett McNamara from the ACT Rural Fire Service (ACTRFS), who is a committed and dedicated
member. Mr McNamara has been committed to bushfire prevention, preparedness and increasing
community awareness for over 20 years.Ms Andrea McDougall, from the ACT State Emergency Service (SES). Ms McDougall, a volunteer, was
involved with the introduction and implementation of the Mobile Data System in the ACT SES which
has had a very positive impact in the Incident Management area.