The Liberals’ Erica Betz is still getting over wrought by the idea of a progressive front organisation fund raising in much the same way as the numerous conservative front groups.
Particularly he wants to know about the Labor Party history of the Greens ACT Senate Candidate Simon Sheikh:
“Revelations in today’s Australian that Simon Sheikh was an active member of the Labor Party for four years, prior to resigning to head up GetUp!, raise questions about his and GetUp’s honesty and integrity,” Senator Abetz said today.
A statement on Mr Sheikh’s website says: “When Simon was a teenager, Simon was a member of the Labor Party for a year. As happens with many people, he quickly became disillusioned and left.”
“The two can’t both be true,” Senator Abetz said.
“Simon Sheikh should come clean and personally say exactly how long he was a member of Labor and, if he doesn’t Greens Leader, Christine Milne, should make him.”
We’re sure Christine Milne loves responding to Erica’s demands.
Meanwhile Overly Attached Girlfriend reports in the Canberra Times that Vicki Dunne has asked the other kids in the Legislative Assembly to stop being mean to Senate Candidate Seselja.