12 February 2009

Etiquette question - Kiddies and the shopping centre bogs

| Mr_Spoon
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Dear Manners Aunts,

Based on an observation that got me thinking:

Dad and young Maddison Sophie (age 4 1/2!) are shopping in the Canberra Centre, when Maddie announces she ‘NeEEeeDs to GO to thE ToiLET, Dad!’

Should Dad:

    1. Take her into the unhallowed depths of the men’s toilets?

    2. Scandalise the ladies in the women’s toilets? Or send Maddie in there unsupervised?

    3. Use the nursing mothers’ room?

    4. Ask the nice Canberra Centre lady to take Maddie into the loo?

    5. Or, tell Maddie to ‘Just hold on ’til they got home’?

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ant said :

er, can’t she go to teh toilet by herself? Teh women in the ladies aren’t going to rape her, you know. If she can’t go to the toilet by herself at 4 and a half, there’s something weird going on.

Remind me never to leave any child in my care with you, Ant. Sadly, the world has changed a great deal for the worse since you were four.

jakez, the mind boggles.

Pandy said :

If girls hover, it dribbles all down their legs and then over the seat. I guess that is why their toilets are disgusting.

So i have been told.

I wish it was just pee Pandy. I could accept pee.

Pandy said :

If girls hover, it dribbles all down their legs and then over the seat.

That has never happened to me. I have hovered and I have never had pee dribble down my legs.

If girls hover, it dribbles all down their legs and then over the seat. I guess that is why their toilets are disgusting.

So i have been told.

Granny said :

‘ is a foot, of course …. Everybody has them! Jakez just has six of them, is all.

; )

It makes dancing difficult.

Oh and as for the name of the young girl,
it could always be worse:

Damn my metric mind. haha.

‘ is a foot, of course …. Everybody has them! Jakez just has six of them, is all.

; )


What’s this 6′ you speak of?

NoAddedMSG said :

Jakez, statistically speaking the people who are overwhelming more likely to cause your girlfriend harm are you or male members of her extended family. So just being a decent, non-violent person makes her life far more safer than you carrying a gun is ever going to do.

I already am a decent non violent person. I want the odds to increase even further and the weapon is for her not for me. I’m just under 6′ and 105kg.

PreciousLilywhite2:45 pm 13 Feb 09

I am extraordinarily amused by the picture PreciousLilywhite paints of a bunch of guys standing around chatting with their cocks casually out.

I am also amused because I didn’t paint think that I painted that picture at all. Anyhoo, tell me, does the towelman that shines your shoes and mixes the martinis also give you cigerettes and Archie comics to read while your on the pooper? 🙂

Jakez, statistically speaking the people who are overwhelming more likely to cause your girlfriend harm are you or male members of her extended family. So just being a decent, non-violent person makes her life far more safer than you carrying a gun is ever going to do.

Don’t let her go to the ladies room unsupervised. There might be a lesbian couple from Melbourne in there who will kidnap her and then sue you for maintenance when they realise that a four year old child needs to have clothes to wear and can’t do their own ironing and cooking.

I don’t believe there is a paedophile lurking around every corner either. But I have experienced attempted rape several times in my life already, as ne in five women statistically will at some stage in their lives. As a woman you learn to live with that, and you deal with it in whichever way you deem wise.

Lone kids are targets, as are lone women. It doesn’t stop me from walking alone at night, but that doesn’t mean I don’t also feel afraid when some tosser yells out, “You’re going to die tonight,” after I ignore the invitation to come up for a drink. As I said, do what you want with your kids. I’ll do what I think wise with mine.

We teach kids rules about crossing a road because it can be dangerous. If my kids get taught not to go alone if possible, to be alert and watchful and scan the area as they approach, what is it to you? Hardly a diagnosis for paranoia. More like walking around with your eyes open.

caf said :

I am extraordinarily amused by the picture PreciousLilywhite paints of a bunch of guys standing around chatting with their cocks casually out.

It’s really not like that at all. As men, we understand that the last thing other men want to see is our equipment, and act with the modesty that would imply.

…really? What toilets are you going to? Personally, I enjoy a good ol ‘cock out conversation’ with my fellow denizens.

I am extraordinarily amused by the picture PreciousLilywhite paints of a bunch of guys standing around chatting with their cocks casually out.

It’s really not like that at all. As men, we understand that the last thing other men want to see is our equipment, and act with the modesty that would imply.

PreciousLilywhite said :

Wow, this thread is really getting away on itself.

There is limited discussion on this topic.
The choice is unisex disabled toilets or parents room. Thats it.

I dont think I need to explain to anyone why taking a young girl into a room full of males with their pant pythons exposed is not such a great idea. That, combined with the stench of rotten trough lollies, is enough to scar her for life.

I speak with years of professional experience when I say that female toilets are almost invariably far more disgusting and filthy than male toilets.

@ Granny – Your question is not relevant to me, mostly because I don’t believe there is a pedophile lurking around every corner, ready to pounce.

Also because it sets a dangerous precedent. Following your logic, a kid can no longer play down at the local park unsupervised or take a walk to the shop by themselves.

This behaviour from some parents, though well meaning, robs a child of there own risk-assesment and instills parents’ fears into the child. This to me is the real danger (and tragedy).

PreciousLilywhite12:47 pm 13 Feb 09

Wow, this thread is really getting away on itself.

There is limited discussion on this topic.
The choice is unisex disabled toilets or parents room. Thats it.

I dont think I need to explain to anyone why taking a young girl into a room full of males with their pant pythons exposed is not such a great idea. That, combined with the stench of rotten trough lollies, is enough to scar her for life.

Oh, c’mon. There are things that it is prudent for a woman to do in a carpark late at night, such as have her keys ready, which have nothing to do with being paranoid and everything to do with common sense.

Some precautions increase the chance of survival in certain situations, such as escorting your child to the toilet.

Don’t want to do it? Fine. Don’t assume I’m paranoid for not wanting to take a risk.

Which child is a sex offender more likely to rape and murder, my supervised child or your unsupervised one?

Getting raped in a toilet cubicle?! People who go with that paranoid logic are best off not leaving the house at all!

Never travel in a car as you might get in an accident and die. Don’t swim in any body of water……you could drown, and to avoid any risk of heart attack, avoid any major exercise.

(but if you must leave the house, 4 layers of bubble-wrap at the minimum)

dexi said :

Ori post 29 says it for me.

Jakez you might like to consider that you are more likely to be robbed violently for your gun. Then I guess they have the choice of what they do next.

I don’t think any evidence bears that out however I’m happy to be shown to be incorrect on this. I’d rather my fiancee be robbed for her gun than for her vagina. In option 1 she has a gun and a chance. In option 2, the criminal has an illegal gun and my fiancees vagina.

Ori post 29 says it for me.

Jakez you might like to consider that you are more likely to be robbed violently for your gun. Then I guess they have the choice of what they do next.

I’ve never touched a gun by the way.

Guns are not for everyone Granny and I definitely support mandatory and comprehensive training (and by comprehensive I mean much more than simply how to shoot). I also applaud you for your self recognition.

I think I’ll defer this argument though as I’ve pulled the thread off topic. Default victory to gun control.

Or I would mistake the cleaner trying to shoo me out for a person of nefarious intentions and let him have it right between the eyes ….

Jakez, if I had a gun the rapist would have it off me in thirty seconds while I repeatedly shot and missed and would probably not be a happy chappy. I think I would be better off to just try and fart a lot.

I’m sorry I seemed to have had a brain freeze in the middle of that. Re Sweden (they get the gun from the Government as part of their compulsory service, which I don’t support).

I just don’t want my fiancee to be raped. It makes me angry frankly that people prevent her from being able to defend herself (as 156cm isn’t exactly an imposing figure).

It’s not about blowing someone away Granny, it’s about preventing violence not doing violence.

Consider the current situation. You are a rapist, you are waiting for a target. What do you expect that target to have? A gun? No, that’s ilegal. A knife? Illegal (but possible). A Taser? Very illegal. A piece of metal on a keychain long enough that you could perform wrist lock maneuvers? Nope, illegal.

That’s a pretty good deal for our rapists, murderers, and robbers. They already clearly don’t care about the law.

Now consider a rapist who lives in New Hampshire, USA. They have the very real prospect of having a gun pointed at them, not to mention the other things I listed.

Consider a burgler in Sweden, where every single citizen is required to have a gun (they get the gun). That’s not fun.

I don’t want to turn our toilets into the toilet in True Lies (for those who haven’t seen True Lies, a public toilet is basically destroyed from all the shooting and fighting). I want them to be the opposite. To do that, you create the potential for self defence. It’s psychology.

Googling, googling …. Oh, that concealed carry! Good grief, jakez, I don’t want that!! I’m with caf. If you’re going to blow someone away, at least be up front about it!

Well if we had concealed carry you wouldn’t have to pump a few rounds from your .45 into the stalls first.

…wow I think I’m about to yank this thread right off topic.

Geez caf, like no woman’s ever been raped in a public toilet before. Sadly, the little sign on the door doesn’t actually keep sexual predators out ….

I guess you should pump a few rounds from your .45 into the stalls first, to make sure it’s safe.

Granny said :

Even grown women should be vigilant when entering public toilets alone. I would not allow my kids to enter a toilet block unescorted.

Especially seeing as it is illegal to concealed carry.

Even grown women should be vigilant when entering public toilets alone. I would not allow my kids to enter a toilet block unescorted.

@27: I have met people called “See-anne” (Sean) and “Tuck-son” (Tucson, I wanted to ask if he was named after the car or the place, but the parents were scary).

I suggest pwecious Maddison learn to use a ShePee and stand and do it like a man at a urinal.

Gerry-Built said :

PreciousLilywhite@ #17: umm, noooooo!

Disabled toilets are fine to take kids to… or to stand out the door of if the kid is older. Don’t let one bad incident ruin a perfectly feasible option. But at the same time, keep an eye on your kids, there are some nasty people out there.

I gave Mr Jessieduck a pop quiz to suss out his parenting potential and he answered
1. Mens toilets
2. Disabled toilets

He passed. I am willing to be sperminated soon.

Oh dear, the fact that the question needed to be asked after four and a half years of having her may be an issue in itself! I’d hate to know how dad would handle an actual emergency…

1. Yes, if dad is there with her, then there’s nothing wrong with the men’s toilets.
2. Generally, no. Women may not be rapists, but that doesn’t mean they can’t or won’t do other bad things. It’s happened before.
3. Yes, the parents’ room, that what they’re there for. And they’re fantastic. I’ve taken my young niece and nephews there on several occasions.
4. Don’t ask anyone else. No one likes your kid, it’s not their job, also, legal liability issues.
5. Not the common sense approach, but…

Well, i’d take her to the diabled or parents room if there were any. Otherwise the mens supervised, like our parents did when we were kids and there were no such things as parents rooms or disabled toilets.

@ Jakez @ #24: no intent or anything behind the particular brain dropping that you took exception to. I had a particularly nasty group of students that shared those names a few years back, with equally nasty parenting/parents… they just seemed the “in” names of the bogans in the year those kids were born :/ (Jayden might just place the year of birth?)… telling your kids to pee on the plants outside Maccas is definitely Bogan (with capital ‘B’)!

Which reminds me of the parent at my local shops who called her children to her; Shikira, Jewel… and I think there was a third, but that one escapes me right now…

…or the newborn patient that my cousin (a paediatrician) was looking after whose delighted parents announced as Joaquin (and pronounced “Jock-win”)…

…apparently there is a not-uncommon Afro-American name pronounced Sha-theed, but spelled S-h-i-t-h-e-a-d…

Use the accessible toilets – surely that’s a picture of a stroller . . .

Parents room, otherwise go for the nearest garden bed, carpark or alleyway.

Gerry-Built said :

link at #9 should be: this gem from Chaser’s… crew.

You could also check out the old (by web standards), but extremely relevant “Institute for Naming Children Humanely” (INCH) website

Know you are all enlightened.

Oh, and in response to the original post – absolutely use the parent’s rooms… (#13 spot on) and never, ever on the bushes (although the ex-presidents…) outside an establishment of any sort (PM @ #8 – I’ll bet *that* was a Jayden, Jake or Jacob)!!!


@ smack @ #3:

smack said :

Easy. Take her to the kids toilet in one of the several ‘parents’ rooms.

Now hopefully JB will delete this waste of a thread!

& yet you felt the need to comment 😉

…it’s called discretion people, discretion.

1. Take her into the unhallowed depths of the men’s toilets?
only as last option (and fully supervised / in locked cubicle)

2. Scandalise the ladies in the women’s toilets? Or send Maddie in there unsupervised?
NEVER (either)!

3. Use the nursing mothers’ room?
Option 1 – but note it is called a “parent’s room”, you have every bit as much right to be there as a “nursing mother”

4. Ask the nice Canberra Centre lady to take Maddie into the loo?
again, NEVER!

5. Or, tell Maddie to ‘Just hold on ’til they got home’?
Only if you want the ‘damage’ greatly exacerbated, a dirty big steaming mess on your hands, and a emotionally damaged child to boot

PreciousLilywhite@ #17: umm, noooooo!

Psydfx you jackass, how can i watch 0:54 seconds into a malformed video ID?


It would appear that something a little extra got added to the link when I posted it.
I will assume that you are new to computers and can’t work out how to take out the obviously unintended from the posted link and provide it in full for you here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXTngYxm8Bs

er, can’t she go to teh toilet by herself? Teh women in the ladies aren’t going to rape her, you know. If she can’t go to the toilet by herself at 4 and a half, there’s something weird going on.

link at #9 should be: this gem from Chaser’s… crew.

You could also check out the old (by web standards), but extremely relevant “Institute for Naming Children Humanely” (INCH) website

Know you are all enlightened.

Oh, and in response to the original post – absolutely use the parent’s rooms… (#13 spot on) and never, ever on the bushes (although the ex-presidents…) outside an establishment of any sort (PM @ #8 – I’ll bet *that* was a Jayden, Jake or Jacob)!!!

PreciousLilywhite4:06 pm 12 Feb 09

No way mens room….little girls do not belong in there.
Use the unisex handicapped toilets.

“The garbage goes in the garbage can people. I can’t stress that enough.”


errr, quiet, not quite.

Take the kid into a stall for some privacy

If it’s quite, do you let your daughter pee in the urinal?

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy3:53 pm 12 Feb 09

Parents room, men’s if busy. Take the kid into a stall for some privacy, and get them to wash their hands when finished.

Standard parenting stuff.

Either way it’s a shit fight.

Nursing mothers’ room? Excuse me?

Use the “Parents’ Room”. After all, that’s what they’re there for.

It makes little difference. You’ve scandalised the kid enough already by saddling her with ‘Madison.’

Maddison Sophie? Are you serious, Watch this, and take note of 0:54 onwards.

I’ve seen a kid (maybe 4 or so) tell his grandmother at McDonald’s that he needed to take a piss so she told him to go over by the bushes outside. He dropped his dacks to his ankles, lifted his shirt to his neck and was trying to do his best fountain impersonation.

Speaking from experience with three daughters – take her in and use the mens, but under no circumstances allow them to go and wash their hands in the urinals 🙂

Woody Mann-Caruso3:34 pm 12 Feb 09

You forgot option 6:

Have sons.

Men’s toilets or parents room.

@smack WAH!

these need to be approved to be viewed…

Easy. Take her to the kids toilet in one of the several ‘parents’ rooms.

Now hopefully JB will delete this waste of a thread!

What is a “shooping centre”?

colourful sydney racing identity3:17 pm 12 Feb 09

Speaking from experience, men’s toilets or parents room – whichever is closest!

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