3 May 2021

Climb, Create and Celebrate: Canberra Tree Week at Haig Park

| Shayna Siakimotu
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people in trees

Celebrate all things trees this Saturday. Photo: Haig Park.

It’s time to celebrate trees by weaving amongst them, learning about them and creating with them.

Test your balance slacklining between the park’s towering trunks, make your own charcoal tree art with Naomi Zouwer, get tips on tree planting and free tree giveaways from the Canberra Environment Centre, put your brain and body to the test tree climbing with the help of Australia’s best climber Maja Blasch, write letters to the trees, and keep an ear out for what they say back with Constance Spry. Or simply listen to music under the canopy with a wine in hand from the Pop Inn bar.

This event is part of Canberra Tree Week 2021 — an opportunity for Canberrans to celebrate the unique trees that surround and fill our wonderful city.

The details

When: Saturday 8 May, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Where: Haig Park
Cost: Free, see Facebook for more information.

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