19 October 2006

Feel the Stanhope Spin!

| johnboy
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Our Brave Leader has announced that the run to the election is on and he would like you to forget all the bad stuff of the last couple of years and, rather, enjoy the show as his government jumps through hoops like a pack of performing seals for your amusement.

Ok, he didn’t actually say that. Try this:

“At the half-way point of the parliamentary term, an energised Government was looking forward to a period of heightened activity and achievement, Chief Minister Jon Stanhope said today. Among the highlights of the remainder of this parliamentary term would be the Government’s responses to a high-level inquiry into affordable housing options and the new Skills Commission, an unprecedented capital investment in public education, continued investment in the security of the Territory’s water supply, the completion of some significant infrastructure projects and the election of a representative Indigenous body.

Anyone want to de-spin that?

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Thanks for the update Pandy.

Could we ask Kate to come back and sort this lot out?

Miz, sonic has moved from Kaleen to Bruce. “Trouble in the mill”.

Seepi, I’m cynically expecting the affordable housing inquiry to exploit the sudden abundance of community-zoned (former school) land resources . . . and note that Kaleen, Mr Stanhope’s suburb, is keeping its school, so no influx of govie houses for him. more’s the pity, he might’ve got some kind of reality check . . .

Do you foresee a different outcome?

Vic Bitterman5:02 pm 20 Oct 06

I vote Thumper to be the official Riotact diplomat 🙂

I strongly object to your use of the “A” word.

Your choice of words offends.

Chief Numpty is an idiot, we all know that. However there is no need for the red neck vocab.

Affordable Housing:
Is is going to build more public housing on postage stamp blocks in the sticks? That is all he can do.

Miz Stanhope expects the govt response to the Housing Enquiry to be one of hte highlights of the rest of his term in office. Surely he wouldn’t say that if he didn’t already have an inkling that they were actually going to do something positive. Would he???


Good to point out that we comprise different races in this country.

My objection is to the term “representative Indigenous body”. Three words, each in their own make me pretty angry:

a) representative: who decides? A vote? Historical and anthropologicalresearch? Someone who calls Sonic “Yes Massa”?

b) Indigenous: We are not talking about Torres Straits Islandders here.

c) body: A reference group? A council? A forumn? Just sometjhing without any real teeth. Believe me that this Government has set-up lots of reference groups and ignores what they say.

Also I do object to Sonic having every function introduced by Matilda or one of her clan as the original owners of this land.

Pandy, why don’t you choose words that aren’t slagging off another race?

You sound like a red neck.

‘an energised government’ – if you call sticking their fingers in their ears and going la la la la la la ‘energised’ . . . what are they on?! Deaf and dumb pills?
‘affordable housing’ – where exactly? Didn’t they cut homeless funding and renege on their public housing election promise? ‘high-level inquiry’ = do nothing and get paid lots.
‘unprecedented capital investment in public ed’ – um, after we flog off lots of nice public assets, who cares about the kiddies (we don’t have any/ours have already grown up).
‘Skills Commission’ – sounds like a cushy job for a mate, and vague enough to not actually have to do anything but a bit of handwringing about the ‘skills shortage we had to have’.

I am aghast that I helped vote these turncoats in.

No reasonable average person gives a rats arse about the Abo vote: especially given that Sonic will favour the blacks who keep their traps shutr and agree with him.

As for happy voters, let me say that from the people at work, and my friends there is a great deal of anger directed to the bread and circuses of the Sonic camp. And he appears to be held by the short and curlies by the developers in town.

I reckon Sonic will find himself on his arse next election.

Vic Bitterman7:56 pm 19 Oct 06

stanhope – what a useless sack of shit he is.

I’m sick of my hard earned taxes propping up his mismanagement.

He is the worst thing that has ever happened to the ACT. EVER.

The Libs are quietly getting a few top quality candidates in the background. I just can’t imagine this ass-clown getting into government again. He might get his seat but he is the kind of bloke I can imagine sooking off after 3 months if he has to sit in opposition.

he probably means its never been so low before

“unprecedented capital investment in public education.”

barking toad4:39 pm 19 Oct 06

OT but the senate has given the arse to a motion pushed by nettle, lundy and bartlett for the NCA to approve an indonesian sunken boat memorial

The mayor will be disappointed but obviously could see it coming

Corruption is rife under local councils, however that’s largely the case whether they’re affiliated with a party or not. That’s largely because local councils are invovled in land development. And land development tends to attract a crapload of shonks.

It’s not quite as bad as it was in my old stomping ground, where the mayor (and, indeed, serving state member) was an ex-real estate agent.

If only Denis Stevenson was still around to keep things ‘sane’.

Absent Diane4:16 pm 19 Oct 06

should have read that is not to say that parties aren’t corrupt either..

I am under the assumption corruption rife within local councils, which is similar to what you suggest.

You have got to be joking.

Absent Diane4:08 pm 19 Oct 06

I agree to an extent JB… I just have a feeling that something like that could lead to rather deep corruption… mostly because they are not answerable to a party.. that is not to say that parties are corrupt either…but they are more accountable because a greater reputation is at stake.

what we need is a cross bench full diligent indies directly answerable to their electorates.

Absent Diane3:53 pm 19 Oct 06

the alternatives are worse. blatant morons.

Having moved here recently, I am amazed at how arrogant and dismissive Stanhope is whenever he is interviewed. He is downright rude to some radion callers.
He seems to have the attitude that, ‘he knows best’, and that no one should dare criticize him!
Man is he on a losing streak now!

So tell me, who’s the alternative?

Never forget the bad stuff.

‘If you’re going to blame anyone then blame me’ (circa Jan 2003)

I sincerely hope that the local electorate remembers the above, and the accompanying lies and memory losses of he and his staff, when the next election rolls around.

not as bad as follett but we have 18 months to go…

Translation #5:

“We couldn’t do any worse. And yes, we’ve tried.”

Absolute fecking bollocks.

That’s all I can really manage at the moment.

Only half way? That gives him another half a term to find innovative ways to tax us in ways we have never been taxed before!

Translation #4:

“It wasn’t me – it was John Howard who did it all!”

barking toad11:34 am 19 Oct 06

white noise

Absent Diane11:24 am 19 Oct 06

Translation #3:

“We really don’t have much to say… so lets just dribble on about things that may or may not happen”

Translation #2:

“We haven’t fucked up as badly as we could have”.

The English Version: “Da laba partee is rool good, and shit.”

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