27 January 2009

Fireworks..Where are you living?

| Sheepaddock
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As a 3 year resident i cannot believe that you still continue and allow this stupid and dangerous activity here in Canberra. I mean Ive seen the footage of the 2003 fires you had here and the last thing you need is another one.There’s not enough housing available currently so do you want to take out another 300 houses. I would of thought you would ban this immediately considering the potential carnage. Kids have the P.C now and media graphics why do they need to endanger themselves frighten the living daylights out of the local pets and potentially burn the place down for a few bursts of pretty light. You are all crazy allowing this stupid activity from the past…

[ED – Well seeing as we’re all crazy we might as well vote for things we collectively enjoy no?]

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Holden Caulfield12:22 pm 29 Jan 09

Gungahlin Al said :

Hence why it was so obviously just sarcasm… Sheesh.

Fair enough.

My god, what a numpty.

Gungahlin Al7:57 am 29 Jan 09

however, we are unable to control thunder, hence why any suggestion to ban thunder in this context is both immature and simplistic.

Hence why it was so obviously just sarcasm… Sheesh.

PS: your pragmatic yet responsible cat ownership is welcomed. Night time containment of cats is the big issue. Day is good too but less achievable – we had to design certain aspects of our house in such a way as to achieve it, which is I realise not practical for all. And with our place almost always hovering somewhere around 25 degrees, she’s fine inside all day on stinkers like this week.

…and thus, agreeing to disagree, they moved on…

Holden Caulfield6:40 pm 28 Jan 09

Al @ #55, see I knew you could do it. It was the banning thunder whinge that I was protesting about in my “abusive” post.

As for the abuse, well I asked if you had a pole up your clacker. If that is abuse then you and JB have a much thinner skin than I first thought. I also suggested the points you were arguing were immature and simplistic (ie. the banning of thunder etc). Again, nothing against you personally. Anyway…

Back to the fireworks. Personally, I don’t get it. But, within reason, I’ve no issues with people who do. I liked ‘em as a kid. Nut I just don’t really see the point now. But, if that floats your boat, then go for gold. However, there are currently laws/regulations in place that dictate when these domestic fireworks are to be used.

My issue is that a fair percentage of these fireworks get used way beyond any such time restrictions. Sure, outside of the QB weekend its not a major issue, but in my neighbourhood (inner north) I’d say fireworks are let off maybe once a month at various times throughout the night. Like I said, not a huge issue, but its not as if we’re talking about a single weekend per year, which is partly my point.

On the QB weekend, though, it was pretty out of control around our neck of the woods. Apart from the issues concerning our pets (which I’ll get to later) I wouldn’t actually mind getting some sleep during that weekend. During the 2008 firecracker bonanza we had “entertainment” well into the night on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights. Saturday night was the worst, with regular fireworks going off from around 4pm until maybe 8pm. And then from 8pm onwards it was pretty much non-stop until around 11pm. And from 11pm until around 2am there were still crackers being let off at regular intervals.

On top of that, at the school nearby we saw young kids letting off firecrackers in the large metal bin. And this was after the little scrotes failed to burn down the play equipment. This was at about 9om too, so not as if their parents would have been overly concerned that they were out. Also, another school nearby the number of left over cracker shells and broken beer bottles were just a bit too far stretched to be scoffed off as “just having some fun”. So, while I’m all for people enjoying themselves, there always seems to be a minority that spoils the “fun”.

Now, back to our pets. We have two cats which are not kept inside at all times, and neither are they constrained to a run in the backyard or somesuch. However, unlike crackers, we are currently not in breach of any restrictions concerning the movement of our pets.

They are both very tame and well mannered (easily approached by other humans), desexed, micro chipped etc. That said, I am not naive enough to think they don’t roam into our neighbours yards or that they might kill other animals. Indeed, one of our cats has claimed a few mice/rats and a couple of sparrows. Far from ideal, I accept, but given he was a stray/feral when we took him into our care I dare say this tally is immeasurably less than it may otherwise have been. Our other cat is 14 years old and, having watched her try to catch birds, she is apparently incapable. In her youth she managed to catch a handful of mice, but hasn’t presented us with anything in well over 5 or 6 years. Regardless, mice/rats are not something that would be kept out were our cats kept in constrained in our yard.

We get both cats in at night, although, we do sometimes have issues getting in the ex-stray. Maybe once a fortnight he would spend the night outside. I do understand this is not ideal. However, while not pretending that he is perfect, we currently have no evidence that he is out of control killing animal life, or causing nuisance to our neighbours. In fact, we have spoken to all our neighbours and asked them to let us know if our cats are causing problems for them. Mostly though, being on a corner block there is enough cycle traffic and dogs being walked to keep them vigilant and on their own block.

So, until such time as a) we are presented with, or discover for ourselves, evidence that our cats are an unacceptable nuisance to neighbours/animal life, or b) laws change and we have to keep them constrained, I think we are well within our rights to continue with the status quo.

We are fair and reasonable people, and all I ask in regards to firecrackers is that people use them in a fair and reasonable manner. Given the timing and frequency of the use of crackers in our neighbourhood I think it is both fair end reasonable to claim that their use over the QB weekend has been unacceptable in the past.

It is only our ex-stray that is bothered/scared by the crackers. Last year we wanted to get him in well before the allotted window of use, but when they were going off early in the afternoon with some regularity it was impossible to do.

Anyway, so frequent was the use of crackers over that weekend, I would be pretty pissed off even if we had no pets to consider.

Oh, the quip about the sound proof fences was made because not all pets runaway, some just get shit scared at the noise. In theory, we can control the use of fireworks as they are a human activity, however, we are unable to control thunder, hence why any suggestion to ban thunder in this context is both immature and simplistic.

I don’t expect that you will agree with everything I have said, esp in regards to the way we keep our cats, however, as I have explained, we’re currently not breaking any laws and, apart from yourself and a few others perhaps, could be described as responsible pet owners. Equally, I don’t agree with everything you said in your most recent post, but can see that you are not one of the people causing the issue here, and judging by your willingness for fireworks to be used, can probably also guess that your neighbourhood is much quieter than my own, haha.

Apologies for the lengthy reply.

ChrisinTurner4:37 pm 28 Jan 09

shauno said :

Fireworks are used all over the place in Europe in all sorts of festivals and there is even one town which I cant remember the name where the have a huge anual fireworks rocket war where the town divides in two and fires the rockets at each other. All in good fun.

I think that happens in in the Middle East not Europe.

Gungahlin Al4:08 pm 28 Jan 09

Nah HC, but I’ve got my sarcasm boost wound right up. Something perhaps you missed?

But the simple thing is this: I DO like fireworks, my kids like fireworks, and there is something about home-launched fireworks that put them way above the best commercial shows.

And it bugs the bejeezus outa me that some people trot out this “immature and simplistic” argument (to quote you back at you) every year about their pets getting in a tizz and running away.

And THAT crosses over with another pet hate (‘scuse pun) of people not containing their pets – something that often causes grief and upset to other people’s pets, but also results at times in severe injury and even death for pets, wildlife and children.

So let’s take that a bit further – if you agree that it is irresponsible for SOME people to not adequately contain their pets and thereby risk the above happening, then my original post was entirely reasonable, and therefore the abusive remarks from LMT, and to a lesser degree you, were unwarranted. So bugger me if I’m human and bite back…

And I believe that what will happen is that the greater majority of Canberra people who do enjoy fireworks (having become immured to this annual argument and nothing changing) won’t say anything to counter the squeaky wheel of the annual complainers, until the pollies, having heard no complaints to the contrary, ban fireworks. But that will be too late. And so will end a truly enjoyable characterist that is unique in this country to Canberra.

Or Santa lost my Xmas wish list and I do have a pole up me…take your pick.

mind the abuse HC.

Holden Caulfield2:57 pm 28 Jan 09

Gungahlin Al said :

HC: what does it matter about the noise? As long as they are animal proof.

Just like with a thunder storm, your wuss of a pet has a little panic for a while, then gets on with life. Our cat barely bats an eyelid at fireworks.

Oh yeah – let’s ban thunder storms while we’re at it, ‘cos my poor baby rottweiller just has a total melt down during storms, and the damn idiots gods letting off their storms outside designated storm season is just unacceptable 😛

Did you get a pole up your arse for Christmas? You didn’t used to make immature and simplistic points like this.

I think we shoudl just ban stupid people from “teh internets”

Gungahlin Al8:05 am 28 Jan 09

HC: what does it matter about the noise? As long as they are animal proof.

Just like with a thunder storm, your wuss of a pet has a little panic for a while, then gets on with life. Our cat barely bats an eyelid at fireworks.

Oh yeah – let’s ban thunder storms while we’re at it, ‘cos my poor baby rottweiller just has a total melt down during storms, and the damn idiots gods letting off their storms outside designated storm season is just unacceptable 😛

All dogs and cats should be banned. Most because I’m allergic.

To the original poster please wither away your useless life elsewhere and die in the utmost apathy with which I and the rest of the world now hold you for today and forever. Your mere existence confirms not only that there is no God but capital punishment is right and proper and should be brought about post haste. I wish you nothing but grey despair riddled days and dark dark silent nights accompanied by the occasional bang so you can fill your catheter and let it dribble down your leg.

Holden Caulfield12:12 am 28 Jan 09

Al, can you point me in the direction of where I can get one of your magic sound proof fences. 🙄

Perhaps he mistook a Kiwi for a firework, when he got banged in the paddock?

Hey Sheepaddock,

Why don’t you get out of your paddock and leave your sheep so that you can travel the world a bit. If you think Canberra is bad, go to Europe or South America. People lighting rockets, whizz-bangs, crackers, batteries etc. all over the streets without any real order/regulation.

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy said :

Fireworks are dangerous as hell. We’d better put some more speed cameras in.

Speed cameras are the past man!!! Standahope is now installing point to point cameras, apparently they’re betterer!

Gungahlin Al3:22 pm 27 Jan 09

Of course, all people using fireworks at home only let them off during the officially sanctioned times don’t they? FFS!!!

Perhaps there was an assumption there that I was referring only to people who don’t contain their pets during the officially sanctioned fireworks letting off times. To be clear I was venting about people who do not properly contain their pets at all times. For dogs that means fencing them in the yard day and night. For cats seeing as how they can jump fences, that means keeping them inside, or with access to a courtyard that can’t be jumped out of. That is how our cat is controlled. I regard anything otherwise as irresponsible pet ownership. If the shoe fits, suck it up. I’m over people getting on tele complaining their poor dog went so bonkers it got out and they lost it. Proper fence = can’t get out. Simple.

If it ain’t you then “smile and wave boys”. ‘Cos I don’t think I said “all pet owners”.

To extend your logic that fireworks should be banned for all even though your problem is just the irresponsible people who let off fireworks outside the sanctioned times, I could argue that because some irresponsible pet owners allow their dogs and cats to wander the streets and into other people’s yards, all dogs and cats should be banned. I’m sure you’d say that is just stupid – and I’s say sure – same as banning fireworks totally bvecause of the behaviour of a few people. Or banning cars because some people speed in them…

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy2:10 pm 27 Jan 09

Fireworks are dangerous as hell. We’d better put some more speed cameras in.

…but anyone can buy a match can’t they!

Correct application of a box of matches and some packing tape makes quite a nice bang. 🙂

Sheeppaddock – sorry you need to do your research – fireworks for joe blow are sold in winter there isn’t much to burn and it really won’t do much damage then anyway. Anything else is a highly controlled show usually put on by the government. And I don’t recall anything about any bushfire started with them anyway – 2003 was from lightning, others were from arson but anyone can buy a match can’t they!

Good thing the guy or girl doesnt live in Europe where they havnt gone as far as politically correct nanny state not to mention over regulated bureaucratic Australia.

Fireworks are used all over the place in Europe in all sorts of festivals and there is even one town which I cant remember the name where the have a huge anual fireworks rocket war where the town devides in two and fires the rockets at each other. All in good fun.

If they keep taking these things away from us the place is going to be boring as bat shit. I just hope its not to late for this Country but I think it might be especially if Rudd introduces his Chinese inspired censorship and firewall to top it off.

You forgot New Year’s, or do I live in Yobville and other people’s neighbours don’t let off explosives on 31st December / wee hours of January 1st?

la mente torbida1:21 pm 27 Jan 09

@Gungahlin Al

Nice statement you moron.

Irresponsible pet owners!

Fortunately, my current pair of dogs are not intimidated by thunder or fireworks so I don’t really care.

However, my previous dog was absolutely freaked out by the bass rumble of thunder or fireworks. I tried everything during her 10 years of life but to no avail.

The only solution for fireworks was to leave town. Where it was an organised event (like last night) I would prepare for an evening of dog hysteria during a 30 minute event.

It’s the idiots that are letting off fireworks in the two weeks leading up to the Queen’s Birthday weekend (and the weeks after) that pi$$ed me off – and they still do.

I take exception to being called irresponsible.

Well the fun police have already banned the use of firearms in state forests during total fire bans. Fireworks are probably more of a bushfire threat so why not? Why not ban smoking also?

Nah lets just ban crazy people from the internet.

Holden Caulfield12:36 pm 27 Jan 09

Gungahlin Al said :

It will be a sad day when they are banned just because of a swathe of irresponsible pet owners can’t keep their dogs fenced in properly or their cats inside.

Of course, all people using fireworks at home only let them off during the officially sanctioned times don’t they? FFS!!!

There are dickhead pet owners and there are dickhead fireworks users, can we just put them all in the same neighbourhood and let natural selection take its course.

You are all crazy allowing this stupid activity from the past…

… said Sheepaddock, waving his straight-jacketed wooden leg in the air!

Ban the use of fireworks in cars, especially when children are smoking and nana is driving.

Gungahlin Al12:28 pm 27 Jan 09

The most poignant memories from my childhood in Canberra are the fireworks.

It will be a sad day when they are banned just because of a swathe of irresponsible pet owners can’t keep their dogs fenced in properly or their cats inside.

Then let’s ban thunder! It’s responsible for… bushfires?

and scares the puppies too!

well, technically, it is the associated thunder…

Last night was the least moonish night possible.


barking toad said :

Another full moon last night?

strangely, no. it is a waxing crescent. wierd.

sigh. ifr the fireworks were the cause of the bushfires, I would be angry. they weren’t. mismanagement, lack of action and cross border arguing helped a lot. Perhaps we could call the arguments and mud slinging “fireworks”?? then it would sort of be true…

barking toad11:30 am 27 Jan 09

Another full moon last night?

Holden Caulfield said :

I’m going to use my imagination here and say that the OP is merely suggesting that fireworks used in a suburban fringe area has the potential to start a serious fire that could endanger a lot of homes. Not an entirely unrealistic proposition it has to be said.

On a total fire ban day we are, in theory, disallowed to even have a BBQ in our backyard (although I stand to be corrected, but you get my drift). So, why then is it such a “crazy” idea to implement a permanent ban on fireworks?

The OP did not suggest the 2003 fires were started by firecrackers, but only hinted (albeit poorly) that the 2003 fires should have made local authorities ever vigilant about fire prevention.

If any of the pro-firecracker crowd reckon that domestic use of fireworks only happens over the Queen’s birthday long weekend, they are bullshitting themselves and everyone else. Get all the bogan wankers that think it is funny to let off fireworks whenever they feel like it to stop dong so and then all the responsible users of firecrackers won’t have to put up with the protests of those who wish “domestic use” firecrackers were inserted where the sun don’t shine.*

*I may or may not be one of those people, haha.

It was understood from the start that it was what SP was trying to get at – butI can’t find anything recorded about how a house got burnt down from fireworks which was undeliberate and uncareless. I think there was one recorded incident in 2005, another in 2006 and the fireworks wharehouse that went up in smoke in 2007 which was deliberate and not caused by crackers itself.

Oh and who is homeless today since the fireworks burnt your house down?Rest assured, I’d say we’re safe! So bring on the fireworks for the rest of ’09 and 2010!!!

What the Hell – are we sure this isn’t a fake post trying to obtain rant of the week?

Nice one AH! (Gives himself an uppercut!) I meant ‘welcome’…

Monday-itus on a Tuesday…

excession said :

I can’t BELIEVE that you’re advocating even more ‘government edicts’ for a place packed with government edicts.

I guess you’ll be first in line when they trial bar-code tattoos hmm?

Go on holiday on that weekend. Preferably somewhere that won’t ‘catch fire’ in the middle of the Australian Winter.


I like you excession! Wlecome to the RiotACT!

Actually me thinks there’s something else a foot here. Sheepaddock sometimes used as a derogatory term for Canberra and going on other comments made by SP one would think there was some lobbying going on. But wasn’t the election some time ago.

Holden Caulfield10:42 am 27 Jan 09

I’m going to use my imagination here and say that the OP is merely suggesting that fireworks used in a suburban fringe area has the potential to start a serious fire that could endanger a lot of homes. Not an entirely unrealistic proposition it has to be said.

On a total fire ban day we are, in theory, disallowed to even have a BBQ in our backyard (although I stand to be corrected, but you get my drift). So, why then is it such a “crazy” idea to implement a permanent ban on fireworks?

The OP did not suggest the 2003 fires were started by firecrackers, but only hinted (albeit poorly) that the 2003 fires should have made local authorities ever vigilant about fire prevention.

If any of the pro-firecracker crowd reckon that domestic use of fireworks only happens over the Queen’s birthday long weekend, they are bullshitting themselves and everyone else. Get all the bogan wankers that think it is funny to let off fireworks whenever they feel like it to stop dong so and then all the responsible users of firecrackers won’t have to put up with the protests of those who wish “domestic use” firecrackers were inserted where the sun don’t shine.*

*I may or may not be one of those people, haha.

I moved to Canberra in 1978. Fireworks had been totally banned in South Australia for about 5 years at that time, so it was amusing to be able to purchase fireworks, huge packets of crackers, penny rockets, the whole box and dice. It was cheap, you could get LOTS of fireworks, and it was fun as a teenager to wreak havok in the back yard.

In the 80’s we donated to the kids in the street so they could buy fireworks, and then have Roman Candle wars in the street, it was riotous fun.

In the 90’s the available range of fireworks dwindled, and there was the ‘need a license to buy’ racket, being a responsible pet owner, I was sad for the pusscats as they cowered under the bed, afraid of all the explosions and whistles. But I didn’t DEMAND that people stop having fun with fireworks, they’re great entertainment for kids and adults alike.

I can’t BELIEVE that you’re advocating even more ‘government edicts’ for a place packed with government edicts.

I guess you’ll be first in line when they trial bar-code tattoos hmm?

Go on holiday on that weekend. Preferably somewhere that won’t ‘catch fire’ in the middle of the Australian Winter.


The question is – what planet did you move from? Uranus? Cause it sounds like you’re pretty uptight.

I’d feel sorry for your children if you have any, I bet there locked up in the basement with a PC, told to discover the world from their seat, watch some fireworks on google images, find out whats happening in the city they live in from Riotact…

I’d don’t think their has ever been an incident lately where a firecracker has caused hundreds of thousands of dollars damage.

Instant Mash10:06 am 27 Jan 09

Australia Day fireworks I’d assume.

Some people just like to spoil the fun.

Is the problem public citizens are able to purchase some over priced sparklers one weekend a year (which is like 6 months away so someone is getting their whinge on early) ? Or is this related to the Australia Day fireworks?

Wow! looks like someone didn’t get to enjoy their childhood…

Hey Sheepaddock, I think we need to ban you…

Clearly YOU are crackers.

Pull your head in!

and scares the puppies too!

How about we ask the earth nicely to stop lightning while we are at it. All that nasty lightning starting fires is not good.

Instant Mash9:37 am 27 Jan 09

grundy said :

Been here 3 years hey…

So you didn’t even experience the 2003 fires?

*Lights some fireworks and aims them at Sheepaddock*


Firecrackers never hurt anyone!*

*[statement may not be truthful].

Been here 3 years hey…

So you didn’t even experience the 2003 fires?

*Lights some fireworks and aims them at Sheepaddock*

Please don’t feed the trolls…

PreciousLilywhite9:11 am 27 Jan 09

*sirens* Hooray, the Fun Police have arrived.
Ironically, we’re more likely to lose a few houses from the heat coming off your ‘flame’. Back to the Bin with you, Looney!

Instant Mash9:05 am 27 Jan 09

Oh yes… Those Canberra fires that were started by a few firecrackers…

I would say ignorance is bliss, but you look pretty angry.

Woody Mann-Caruso9:04 am 27 Jan 09

Fool. Fireworks didn’t cause the 2003 fires. John Stanhope and firecrackers caused them. I think he also drowned some people back in the early 70s. Put his boot on their necks til they stopped wriggling.

Letting off crackers for a couple of nights in mid-winter is going to exacerbate the housing shortage?

That’s some top-class lunacy you’ve got going there.

neanderthalsis8:49 am 27 Jan 09

For one weekend a year I get to satiate the inner pyromaniac by playing around with some smallish firecrackers.

It wont burn the city to the ground, it’s the middle of winter, hardly peak fire season.

If your poor wee doggy gets scared, put him inside with the tv or stereo up loud enough to cover the bangs.

And, in an age when we’re trying to encourage kids to get away from the computer and be active, why not get them outside and have them enjoy a few bangs.

I like my crackers. Back to the paddock with you.

What have the 2003 fires got to do with fireworks ?

Perhaps 3 years has been 3 years too long. Bye!

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