![election vote](https://the-riotact.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/iStock_000029623066Small.jpg)
The change to the ACT electoral system, now with five electorates of five members, is fertile ground for the ACT Greens.
Over the past couple of years we have seen letters from Caroline LeCouteur both in social and print media. Caroline has been true to her beliefs and constantly pushed the environmentalist line. Good on her too, I say.
I recently spotted an opinion piece from Amanda Bresnan on an issue dear to her heart. Many of you won’t know, but since losing the last election Amanda has been busy with many community spirited endeavours. Meredith Hunter too. And good on them both.
We know that Shane Rattenbury survived to be carried shoulder-height to glory.
But who remembers the time when there were four Greens in the Legislative Assembly? It was a very interesting time, indeed. Much legislation was passed and the agreement between Labor and the Greens was largely agreed and proceeded with.
But are those times going to repeat themselves? Are we going to see the Greens maintain the balance of power by taking four or five seats?
I predict that in preparation for the preselection process, the Greens’ rank and file members will soon start to show themselves at community events, community council meetings, school fetes and the opening of envelopes.
I also predict that LeCouteur and Bresnan will be starters once again.
The contest will be between Labor and the Greens to see which has the greener policies and which is most likely to be able to deliver. My bet is that Labor will come out on top.
Simon Corbell has had a ‘green agenda’ even before I first met him in 1998. He has doggedly pursued them to much success. It was Simon who wanted our busses to convert to compressed natural gas, and it was Simon who wanted to examine possibilities around wind farming both in and out of the ACT.
Simon saw the vision of a solar farm and pursued it against much opposition, supported on-road cycle paths to encourage people out of their cars and wanted to set targets for emission reduction here.
Let’s see if the five electorate system delivers for the minor parties or not. The Light Rail mob is gone. The Democrats are a distant memory, Most of the single issue parties will rename and come again, and the Community Action party (the Liberal when you are not Liberal Party) may surface again. The Sex Party will put up and be entertaining.
But I predict a three way fight between the ALP, the Liberals and the Greens with a result of 12 Labor, 10 Liberals, and 3 Greens. Government to Labor with a Green minister again.
Let the betting begin.