This morning, whilst driving to work like all the other mugs, I passed the turn to onto Coppins Crossing Rd, which I would normally take. Coppins Crossing is closed due to the level (or potential level of the river). This was to be expected. In fact, being a low level crossing which frequently floods, the crossing is fitted with gates that can be closed, warning signs to alert road users to the fact it is closed, and other signs back at the start of the road so that people know the crossing is closed before they waste time driving down to it. All of this seems reasonable yes?
This morning, the turning lanes leading into Coppins Crossing Rd had a row of traffic cones across them, there were road closed barriers, and parked across the road was a vehicle from a traffic control company with two staff there to enforce the closure. Presumably the south side of the crossing was likewise manned.
Considering the long term infrastructure mentioned in my earlier paragraph, I would suggest that most of this is an unnecessary waste of tax payers money, and manpower which could be used for something better. Is the government afraid that people will disregard the closure of the crossing, drive down, cut the gate, ford the stream, cut the gate on the other side and drive off? Or are they concerned that people will want to see the flooding river and accidentally fall in?