8 February 2024

Florence Gelato makes a gelato for the people: meet 'The CBR'

| Lucy Ridge
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Matteo Sassi at Florence Gelato with The CBR. Photo: Lucy Ridge.

It’s official: Canberra has its own gelato flavour, inspired by the people and made by newly opened Florence Gelato.

Meet The CBR: Crunchy Berry Ripple.

Florence Gelato opened at The Capital Food Market in late January. Owners Juliana and Matteo Sassi wanted to know: “If Canberra were a gelato flavour, what would it be?” The responses blew them away.

Some were serious, and others were a little more creative.

“Bubblegum – we keep getting referred to as the Canberra bubble, so let’s own it!”

“Rocky Road to match our potholes.”

And an awful lot of people suggested vanilla.

Matteo and Juliana smile in their gelato store.

Visit Juliana and Matteo Sassi at the Capital Food Market. Photo: Lucy Ridge.

After carefully considering all suggestions, Matteo and Juliana have come up with a flavour that encompasses the full experience of their adopted home.

Many Canberrans suggested the addition of the native ingredient wattle seed, which the pair have included in the gelato base.

“Wattle seed is our nod to the wattle trees that are emblematic of Canberra. The addition of macadamias – a nut native to Queensland – represents all those who come from other places to make Canberra their home,” said Matteo.

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The crunch comes from a caramelised honey brittle, reflecting Canberra’s “less-loved” parts like politicians and property prices.

“Sweet and tangy raspberry [represents] the gooey adoration that many Canberrans have for the wonderful parts of our city – our short commutes, lovely lakes and great community,” Matteo explained.

“We hope that locals and visitors alike come to taste The CBR for themselves.”

I got to try the new flavour and can confirm it is absolutely delicious.

Much like Canberra, there’s plenty to keep me interested! I love the complex crunch of the brittle, and the raspberry ripple isn’t overly sweet. The gelato base is creamy and nutty, and the wattle seed flavour shines through.

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Matteo has become a big fan of Australian honey, using it in The CBR and also in a gelato flavour dedicated to his hometown.

As far as representations of our city go, this one is pretty excellent!

The CBR will be available as a limited edition flavour at Florence Gelato from 9 am on Saturday, 10 February.

The Capital Food Market is at 10 Market Street, Belconnen. It is open from 8 am to 6 pm, Wednesday to Sunday, with some dining options opening late. Visit the Capital Food Market website for more information.

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Mathew Richards9:12 pm 08 Feb 24

No delaying infrastructure, says Barr, as Budget dips deeper into red
NO !!! It is the bloody useless tram and the money Steel has wasted on government projects that have never worked or put in place as they would not work, what was that $60m and the $100m that was spent and continues to be spent on Canberra Uni. Only God knows what the eventual payout will be in taking over Calvary Hospital. And he wants to build a new stadium? We won’t have enough money to buy a bucket and spade to build a damn sand castle. But hey, all the ACT public servants got a pay rise and will only have to work 4 days a week. So next election, Green/Labor will be re-elected and the average non public servant will be far worse of yet again as they will not be able to pay the new taxes he will introduce. And I wont bother to mention the ACTEW increases, 17%, water rates etc….

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