I added the dystopian part. That was a lie. Sorry.
Professor Jennifer Graves from the University of Canberra has predicted the end of sex, specifically the male sex. Sounds interesting.
During a lecture tonight, hosted by the Australian Academy of Science, thinker-in-residence with the University of Canberra’s Institute for Applied Ecology Jennifer Graves will describe how the map of the marsupial genome is unlocking genetic secrets with deep implications for human health.
“Sex is nothing but trouble…genetically,” Professor Graves said. “The chromosome that carries the sex determining gene loses active genes, so this creates the problem that males and females have different dosages of genes. Males have only one copy of the X chromosome, which contains more than a thousand genes, while Y has only 45 genes. If one of these is mutated, they have no backup.”
Professor Graves is an evolutionary geneticist who works on Australian animals, including kangaroos and platypus, devils (Tasmanian) and dragons (lizards). Her research team uses their distant relationship to humans to discover how genes and chromosomes and regulatory systems evolved, and how they work in all animals including us humans.
Never fear male members of our readership, this won’t be occurring anytime soon. Anyone keen to check out the lecture?
‘Weird Animal Genomes, Sex and the Future of Men’ will be delivered by tonight at 6pm at the Shine Dome, Australian Academy of Science, Gordon St, Acton.