Cracked has a good article on the rising tide excrement trying to clog every potential avenue of information.
Here in Canberra looking back on the year it’s just as awful with things that look a bit like news filling up our letterboxes and the airwaves.
With no meaningful clashes of ideology (Labor being the party of big business and Liberal the party of billionaire’s fanboys) taking a position on any issue becomes dangerous.
It feels like I can’t go to any meeting without being dragged over the coals for something someone said on this website at some point in the last decade. Simply allowing others to speak a contrary view is now considered a grave insult and possible source of court action.
Advertising firms increasingly position themselves as news, as news outlets, as news providers. All for a fee of course.
None of the people doing this are bad, and they all think they’re being clever.
Enthusiastic idiots are very dangerous creatures and we’ve got them in spades.
Since November 2000 this website has tried to cut through the crap. We haven’t always succeeded, sometimes we’ve added to it.
But the sun is shining, there’s beer in the fridge, and the dogs are happy.
So let’s all step back from the edge of the abyss, and try and make 2014 better for everyone.