Chief Minister Stanhope has announced release of a review of the walking and cycling network.
“One of the review’s main priorities was to ensure there was equal emphasis on the needs of commuter cyclists, recreational cyclists and pedestrians, including visually and mobility impaired people.
“To that end, among the recommendations is the possibility of converting sections of Bunda Street in the City and Hibberson Street in Gungahlin to ‘shared spaces’ where pedestrians, cyclists and vehicular traffic all mix together in a slow speed environment.
“Shared spaces are common in major cities overseas and one has also been in place for a number of years in the ANU precinct adjacent to the Union Court and Arts Centre.”
Mr Stanhope said the review, commissioned by the ACT Government in 2009 and carried out by local consultancy Cardno Eppell Olsen, also involved a detailed assessment of pedestrian and cycling networks in the Belconnen, Woden and Tuggeranong town centres.
One of the suggestions for Belconnen was the development of Benjamin Way as a potential major pedestrian and cycle connection through the town centre.
For Woden, the recommendations centred on improving cycling and pedestrian connections to different parts of the area while in Tuggeranong it suggested improving footpaths, pedestrian crossings and creating a ‘cycle spine’ along Anketell Street.
The Government has already announced one of the report’s main recommendations of a City cycle loop. This would be made up of a section of shared space on Bunda Street from Genge Street to Akuna Street and also on-road, possibly separated, cycle path from Allara Street to Bunda Street via Parkes Way, Marcus Clarke Street, Rudd Street and Allara Street.
At the moment TAMS appear to be linking to documents from 2004, if we find a link to the new report we’ll put it up. Apparently the recommendations are going to be adopted.
UPDATE: OK, the crucial document is here.
The recommendations include:
- — based on the recommended network plans, further investigation is required into the following key projects:
??? Bunda Street shared space opportunity;
??? Hibberson Street shared space opportunity;
??? Marcus Clarke protected bicycle lanes;
??? London Circuit on-road facility; and
??? Southern portion of the Civic Cycle Loop along Parkes Way.
— Investigations need to include a detailed feasibility study of these opportunities, impacts on other modes and operation in these locations, cost effectiveness, detailed costing, further consultation with adjacent stakeholders to develop detailed and staged program of works.
— Access to Parliament House for commuter cyclists is an issue that has been raised a number of times through the community and stakeholder consultation processes. Presently access is provided via a number of on-road or off-road routes of varying standards, ranging from unsealed off-road paths to low speed streets with no formal on-road facilities. Preliminary investigations on potential improvements to access routes have been undertaken, however these will need to be further investigated with the NCA and security authorities. It is recommended that this work be undertaken outside the Infrastructure Priority Works program and the project incorporated into the program once the scope has been finalised.
— The lighting of Sullivans Creek Path should be considered a trial project to assess the effects of lighting off-road paths. Detailed information on cyclist and walker numbers, behavioural observations and crash statistics should be collected before and after the project is implemented and the results evaluated. If the trial is considered a success, other off-road paths should be considered for lighting as part of the next infrastructure priority review.
— Undertake a detailed safety and accessibility audit of accessible routes to refine proposed works.
— undertake a more detailed audit of missing links in the existing network;
— undertake a more detailed review of bicycle parking facilities to understand gaps and incorporate the implementation of these facilities into future works programs;
— develop a database to keep a record of all requests for additional footpath/cycleway works/identified deficiencies for input into future reviews.