Some time ago, I drove into the Homeworld carpark to discover freshly painted arrows on the road. “Oh, they’ve made it one way. That’ll be easier” I thought. It was always a bit of a tight fit.
Now, maybe a year(?) later it seems I’m the ONLY one who can actually see these arrows. Every. Single. Time. I enter and follow the arrows I come face to face with some moron heading towards me. And not just ONE, it’s pretty much everyone else in the carpark. I wait for someone to vacate a park at Dan’s and sure enough, they always reverse out so they’re facing me. The WRONG WAY. I do the loop around and constantly have to move over to the left to let another car past who’s going the wrong way, instead of driving down the middle like I should be able to do.
I have occasionly pointed to the road and mouthed ONE WAY (dickhead) but am met with blank stares.
I am honestly at a loss as to why. If they stood out like dogs balls to me the first time I drove in there after they were painted, how come they don’t to anyone else??? If it was only a couple of people I wouldn’t feel the need for this rant, but it’s 90% of people in that car park, EVERY time I go in there!