[First filed: August 11, 2009 @ 09:30]

OK, maybe I exaggerated a little, but we won’t be far off the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, if all the details in the new Stromlo Forest Park master plan come to fruition. Incredibly the plans do propose an aquatic complex, a hotel (as well as cabins and camping), sports fields (yes, more grass to turn to dust), a luge track, a velodrome, and the hotly debated gondola.
I’ll admit that I’m a bit biased towards the mountain bike side of things, but they can ditch the pool, playing fields, luge track, wetlands, and probably the hotel too, in favour of keeping the focus on cycling and mountain bikes.
Why take a purpose built facility and attempt to make it all things to all people?
I’ll even admit that the gondola is a bit of a stretch, even though it would make running large downhill races much easier, and reduce the weekend shuttle traffic on Mt Stromlo Road.
So tell the ACT Govt to keep doing what they are doing well (MTB & cycling), and give them a big smack on the back of the head about these pie-in-the-sky ideas for Stromlo.