In case you were wondering just what sort of totalitarian regime the ACT was languishing under, the Canberra Times brings the happy news that the incompetence of Minister Hargreaves administration has seen a massive spike in the number of overturned speeding tickets issued.
According to Police Minister John Hargreaves the massive spike in numbers has been attributed to problems integrating the Rego.act computer system with the national database, and to the advent of Y-prefixed NSW number plates.
So far, so short sighted and incompetent. But the juicy stuff is Mr. Hargreaves belief that Canberra motorists are guilty until they can prove themselves innocent.
The onus was on the fine recipient to contest the infringement, rather than for the Government to identify its mistake, Mr Hargreaves said.
“Everyone who is issued a fine has the right to dispute it,” he said.
“If in review it is found to be incorrect, the fine is withdrawn.”
I suppose at least we know where we stand.