If you liked the video about the F18 you might really like this.
Imagine an engine with a 60,000rpm idle, climbing to an ear splitting 166,000rpm. Burning Jet-A1 with a 5% oil mix, an exhaust temp of over 600 degrees, and producing 14lbs of thrust. Failed the RAAF pilot entry exam, but would still like to fly a jet? You can put this engine in an RC model plane and get your share of jet pilot fever. The requirement for Top Gun music is up to you.
Canberra has 3 main Remote Control Flying clubs those being:
- — Belconnen Model Aircraft Club (BMAC), funnily enough located in Gunghalin near Michell after a number of moves.
— Canberra Model Aircraft Club (CMAC) located adjacent to the Monaro highway just up from the prison.
— Namadgi Sports Flyers Club (NSFC) located just south of Tharwa.
At these clubs they fly aircraft from small electrics to the high speed jets. They have instructors that can teach you the basics and as you progress with skill can fly heli’s, RC turbine jets or 3 meter Red Bull like monsters sporting 200cc petrol engines billowing think white smoke as they enter the ‘box’.
Sound interesting? Go to www.actaa.com.au for the ACT body that looks after aeromodelling. This website will show you the location of clubs and contact details.
Or just turn up any Saturday or Sunday when the weather is calm usually between 9am and lunchtime.
You too might find a love for the smell of JET-A1 in the morning. 😉