The trouble with the ACT Government is that no believable work of fiction could equal what goes on in there.
Today the Canberra Times brings word that Mark Vincent Blattman has been sentenced to “212” years in prison (I suspect they mean 2 1/2) for growing 75 marijuana plants in Sutton.
- The court heard Blattman had turned his life around after two previous convictions one each in the ACT and NSW over a cross-border dope-growing operation involving more than 1800 plants that was busted in 1990.
Since escaping with a suspended sentence and good behaviour bonds, Blattman barely literate at the time acquired a high school pass and then went on to tertiary education and a career with ACT Health counselling drug addicts and alcoholics.
Mark is currently the acting director of the dental health program and has in the past been the manager of alcohol and counselling services.
Did it save time looking for clients we wonder?