Enjoy your own personalised life and finance makeover!
All for less than the price of a good pair of shoes or a night out.
Tickets available at http://10tgcanberra14may11.eventbrite.com/
Use discount code girl_network to receive this day for only $90. Yay!
· Interactive 8 hour workshop: explore ways to create and achieve your life goals in a grounded and lighthearted setting. Spend the day with a group of like minds, becoming inspired around proactively managing your own life and opening possibilities for what you can do for others
· Life Planning Workbook: record new thoughts and ideas and work on a practical, personal long term plan and action chart for the next 12 months
· Your Spending Plan: learn about cornerstone financial principles and first steps towards how managing your long term saving and investing can help you achieve what you want to do in your life
· Q&A Session with Finance Professionals: ask those financial questions you’ve had burning in your head but didn’t know who to ask. Pose questions that have arisen during the day or that will help you with your goals
· Personal finance book: receive your own copy of the popular modern woman’s guide to financial freedom, ‘Why Saving Is Like Dieting and Budgets Don’t Work’
· A gift bag
· Lunch and refreshments
Over the day you will collate tools and resources and realise what’s possible personally and financially in achieving your life plan, walking away with clarity, new friends and a sense of motivation and confidence.
You will be emailed a pre-pack once you register to get started.
This event is brought to you by the 10thousandgirl campaign, in conjunction with our valuable Local Ambassadors and Local Sponsors:
Scott Malcolm of Money Mechanics – www.money-mechanics.com.au
Wisdom Learning – www.wisdomlearning.com.au
The Firm – Accountants – www.thefirmonline.com.au
Downie Design – www.downiedesign.com
If you haven’t already, inspire your friends to come along too.
And if you have any questions before the day, please send them to girl@10thousandgirl.com
See you there Daredreamers!