Whilst watching the Raiders Vs Canberra and listening to the ABC radio there was an interesting comment from Warren Ryan. He stated that during the warm up that the forwards and backs did it separately as it reflected the class society of Canberra. Wozza is a very astute RL commentator and this I found intriguing being an amateur historian.
In researching ‘Homes for the Workers, the History of the Narrabundah Prefabs” historian Ann Guglar said to me that there was the inherent public service lower public service areas like Ainslie and areas for tradesman like the camps and the prefabs. There was always this divide between the public sector and private sector as both despise & distrust each other. Segregation was in place.
Many RiotACT flamers like to have a go at Narrabundah & Charnwood residents as they are seen as low life public tenant suburbs. Tradies, retail & hospitality workers are vilified because of the low standards of service they provide. As a low level temp in the public service I provided good support to top level SES people, who were sometimes appreciate, but was treated with contempt by the middle levels.
Do people think Canberra is a more class-stratified society than the rest of Australia? Is there a lord and serf mentality?