Let me pose a hypothetical.
You’re attending the wedding of a close friend. This friend is vegan (or vegetarian, either can work), and their wedding is going to be an entirely meat-free affair. They ask for ‘dietaries’ ahead of the event (probably meaning allergies or gluten-free requests). Is it acceptable to request meat as a dietary inclusion?
It’s an interesting conundrum and one I’m pondering after having a recent discussion with a friend who can’t think of anything worse than eating an entirely vegetarian meal. This friend is a fussy eater and struggles to find anything on a menu he’s likely to enjoy under most circumstances.
Having been raised on a very standard meat-and-three-veg diet, he isn’t particularly adventurous. He’s more likely to eat a bowl of plain rice than take a stab at an eggplant curry. So attending entirely vegetarian/vegan events isn’t enjoyable for him. Now, he’s never actually requested meat in a situation like this. He’s happy to poke some quinoa around his plate and then head into KFC on his way home.
But it’s an interesting question.
Given that we’re so willing to accommodate other dietary requests, should the desire to have some form of animal-based protein in a meal be equally supported? Putting preference to one side, some people have to eat restricted diets that have a significant focus on red meat or low carbs, and I have friends who, for the purpose of significant medical procedures, have to eat very specific meals for weeks at a time. So there are feasibly other reasons why meat might need to be on a plate.
In asking this question, I should disclose that I’ve been a vegetarian for 18 years and would prefer not to serve meat at any potential wedding I ever have (though the thought of me willingly heading down the aisle is probably about as likely as me chowing down a steak tonight). However, if someone I love requested meat in their meal, I wouldn’t make a fuss about it, and realistically, I probably would just have multiple options available in the interest of people having an uncomplicated good time.
Some of my more militant vegetarian or vegan friends would be appalled at that concession but would equally expect to be provided vegetarian or vegan meals at any events they attend.
So where do we draw the line when it comes to reasonable dietary requests? Is meat-eating a dietary lifestyle choice, or should people just suck it up and forego their chicken/lamb option in favour of a nicely cooked pumpkin tagine for a special occasion?