12 September 2012

Jeremy Hanson bad. Then good.

| cmdwedge
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Great reporting from the Crimes this morning. And a very impartial

First, the Assembly Clerk’s office denied ever approving Hanson’s request to allow his wife to use the car.

Then, the backpeddling.

Opposition is a thankless job.

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SnapperJack said :

Interesting that the attack piece has no byline, anyone know who wrote it? I was told cum Towell, but the source has also left.

The Crimes will probably continue their “impartial” (cough, cough!) election coverage like they did in the last federal election but with a slight change. Now that Rosslyn Beeby has been sacked, the Green Scene page in the Sunday Times will probably be reintroduced but now written by Meredith Hunter.

Interesting how the ALP candidates hid behind the ALP secretary to sling these accusations. The politicians should have the conviction to sling their own mud.

Myles Peterson said :

Always found Hason pleasant to interview, chatted like a human, not an on-message robot – although those ads from last election were a bit cheesy.

(Smyth was also pleasant, but once his phone pocket called me back and I got an earful about Crimes journo’s being a bunch of effing no-nothings – which I didn’t hold against him, I indeed had no idea about the subject I had been told to cover. Industrial bla bla something.)

Interesting that the attack piece has no byline, anyone know who wrote it? I was told cum Towell, but the source has also left.

The Crimes will probably continue their “impartial” (cough, cough!) election coverage like they did in the last federal election but with a slight change. Now that Rosslyn Beeby has been sacked, the Green Scene page in the Sunday Times will probably be reintroduced but now written by Meredith Hunter.

I must admit I have found this issue puzzling. I presume he is driving his own car with all of the advertising on it because he is the one doing the most k’s around town. Otherwise why wouldn’t his wife still be driving that car even with the advertising on it. If I’m right, isn’t he saving the taxpayer money by letting his wife drive the salary sacrificed car?

That would be correct.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd9:29 am 14 Sep 12

sv said :

Yawn… so all the labor staffers want Jeremy to be leader. So original. Too bad you don’t get a say in it!

what does this post even mean ?_?

Myles Peterson8:48 am 14 Sep 12

Always found Hason pleasant to interview, chatted like a human, not an on-message robot – although those ads from last election were a bit cheesy.

(Smyth was also pleasant, but once his phone pocket called me back and I got an earful about Crimes journo’s being a bunch of effing no-nothings – which I didn’t hold against him, I indeed had no idea about the subject I had been told to cover. Industrial bla bla something.)

Interesting that the attack piece has no byline, anyone know who wrote it? I was told cum Towell, but the source has also left.

Nice trucks.

Yawn… so all the labor staffers want Jeremy to be leader. So original. Too bad you don’t get a say in it!

shirty_bear said :

Masquara said :

Pedant moment: I think you mean pedalling, not peddling ….

Was tempted to make this call myself … presumably “backpeddling” is when you return an item to the place of purchase.

Spelling fail on my part. Apologies!

Masquara said :

Pedant moment: I think you mean pedalling, not peddling ….

Was tempted to make this call myself … presumably “backpeddling” is when you return an item to the place of purchase.

colourful sydney racing identity8:08 am 13 Sep 12

I think the only chance the Liberal party has in Canberra is having a socially progressive leader, Kate Carnell but she was certainly the best and most electable leader they have had.

I don’t think that Canberrans will cop a social conservative like Zed and I am amazed that the parliamentry party can’t see that.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

I’m not super heavy into politics, I don’t know much about it. How do leaders get selected? Why is someone who has proven to be a incompetent halfwit like zed leader and not someone who is pretty much regarded by all like Jeremy Hanson leader!

Yes, why doesn’t a political party, that I’m never going to vote for anyway, choose a leader that I like better than their current leader.

Teriffic journalism as usual by the crimes. Picking up the political rubbish from the labor party and run with it without doing any research to the legitimacy of the use of the vehicles. Like any other executive vehicle that is part of the individual’s salary, it can be used for private purposes as much as the individual wants, it just gets recorded in the vehicle’s log book for FBT purposes..

The apparent grasping for straws the government has resorted to isn’t doing much for their credibility either.. Come back and cry if he starts using the car for political advertising purposes or if he starts to dodgy up FBT numbers.

You know the saying that an ambassador is an honest man sent overseas to lie for his country.

Well in the case of politics, often, a similar thing can be said of those below the leader and his clique. And that’s probably why increasingly certainly in federal politics, there are more eloquent, honest and thoughtful soundbites coming from backbenchers than from the leaders.

Wouldn’t mind seeing Hanson take over.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd10:01 pm 12 Sep 12

I’m not super heavy into politics, I don’t know much about it. How do leaders get selected? Why is someone who has proven to be a incompetent halfwit like zed leader and not someone who is pretty much regarded by all like Jeremy Hanson leader!

Pedant moment: I think you mean pedalling, not peddling ….

Madam Cholet8:19 pm 12 Sep 12

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

milkman said :

Having recently met Jeremy he seemed like a competent and intelligent human.

When he first started the politics game he knocked on my door. He came across the same way. I have had quick chats with him at the shops a couple times. He should be leader of libs, not halfwit zed.


I know Jeremy Hanson in an acquaintance kind of way through my husband, and every time he appears at the same social gathering he remembers my name, remembers the name of my son and is genuinely interested. Trouble is, he’s too nice to challenge for the leadership and the gonks in the liberal party have not twigged to the fact that he is a way better operator than Zed. In my opinion Zed is a good alienator of people because he is has a very specific background..Young, family oriented, no other experience other than politics, success with little in the way of experience….

Jeremy on the other hand is older and therefore more experienced, has had a prior career, is intelligent and can handle himself in the rough and tumble of politics and maintain a position.

I have a family and possibly as a female should really identify with Zed and his cost of living mantra, but I just don’t. I would like to see a match for the current government, and that is not the Libs as they stand.

I have also met him a few times at the local shops, seems like a great bloke future leader for sure

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd7:26 pm 12 Sep 12

milkman said :

Having recently met Jeremy he seemed like a competent and intelligent human.

When he first started the politics game he knocked on my door. He came across the same way. I have had quick chats with him at the shops a couple times. He should be leader of libs, not halfwit zed.

Having recently met Jeremy he seemed like a competent and intelligent human.

Facts? …meh.

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