Ellenborough Street is one of the major exits from Kaleen. Before the Barton Highway upgrade we used to be able to turn right from the slip lane from Ellenborough St onto the Barton Hwy but, since that right turn disappeared, if we want to head north on the Federal Hwy, we have to go the long way around along Mouat St to turn left onto Northbourne. This adds significant distance to the trip and four sets of traffic lights. It’s time-consuming, wasteful, and a PITA.
Am I the only Kaleen resident who’d like to get that right turn reinstated? Are there enough of us to lobby for it?
My other gripe is the lack of an Ellenborough St exit and entry onto Gungahlin Drive. If we’re coming from the south, our only options are to exit from Gungahlin Dr at Gininderra Dr or to continue on to the Barton Hwy. Either one means a substantial detour. (Getting onto Gungahlin Dr isn’t too bad; we can turn left from Ellenborough onto the Barton Hwy and then left at Gungahlin Dr. – it’s getting off that’s the problem.)
It would have been a comparatively trivial matter for them to add an Ellenborough St exit during Gungahlin Drive’s construction, but no doubt it’d be a substantial job of work now.