Senate Candidate for the ACT Steven Bailey sent out a press release welcoming country music singer James Blundell to the Katter camp.
I think Steven is a little over excited about this:
‘I think this choice demonstrates that there is more to Katter’s Australian Party than meets the eyes of those who lack imagination and the ability to analyse; who are too self-righteous to question themselves; or who are too lazy to change the political statuesque in our country.’
‘I say of Katter’s Australian Party that as this train begins to move, the dust will begin to fall to the ground. We have very serious work to do for the Australian people, but we, Katter’s Australian Party, will do it with a song in our hearts.’
‘As an endorsed candidate I welcome Blundell and extend to him a hand of comradeship for what will be the roughest ride into town yet!’
As James joins Bob and Steven on their rough ride into town perhaps he will play them a song.