6 May 2012

Kings Highway safety review from the NSW Roads people

| dvaey
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With many people throwing their thoughts around informally about the many problems with the Kings Highway, the NSW Roads and Maritime Services (formerly RTA) have setup a formal online forum to enable the public to provide feedback on the issues on the stretch of road from Queanbeyan to Batemans Bay.

One nifty feature of this forum is an online interactive map where the general public can ‘tag’ locations and provide detailed feedback on their thoughts about problems at these locations.

The forum runs until Wed 16th May 2012.

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Sandman said :

There’s a perfectly good road running through Tarago and Nerriga to Nowra. Only has about 3 kms of dirt.

Well, 3km of dirt, several more km of windy shoulderless road with potholes and several river crossings that are impassable after rain. But, yeah, otherwise.

Also it goes to Nowra – who goes to Nowra (other than perhaps for work if you are in Defence)?

beh1972 said :

The assumption that all that traffic is going ‘to Batemans Bay’ is part of the problem. A good percentage of that traffic is trying to get past BB to other places North and South of it.

That is hardly the assumption of this project. This project is focusing on the Kings Highway corridor between Queanbeyan and Batemans Bay, obviously with the knowledge that a significant portion of people are coming from Canberra (not just Queanbeyan) and visiting various places on the coast (not just BB).

This study (if you look at the map) breaks the problems down into sections from Queanbeyan to Bungendore, Bungendore to Braidwood, Braidwood to Clyde, Clyde to Nelligen, Nelligen to BB.

There are other projects involving the Princes Highway and Nerriga Road (linked) but this project is targetting the corridor of Queanbeyan to Batemans Bay along the Kings Highway.

beh1972 said :

Straighten and seal the Araluen road, .

Yeah, that’ll be a cheap easy task. Do you want a high speed train line next to the road too?

Don’t most of the accidents happen between Bungendore and Braidwood? There’s a perfectly good road running through Tarago and Nerriga to Nowra. Only has about 3 kms of dirt. Brown Mountain will get you to the southern part of the coast. No real need for any more. For that kind of money a freeway straight through the Bondo State Forest to Tumut should cut 40 minutes (closer to an hour for Tuggers residents) off a trip to Melbourne or Albury which would benefit the city more.

The assumption that all that traffic is going ‘to Batemans Bay’ is part of the problem. A good percentage of that traffic is trying to get past BB to other places North and South of it.

More needs to be done to get some of that traffic off the Kings Hwy between Braidwood and before it reaches BB. Straighten and seal the Araluen road, the Nerriga road, even the Runnyford Road so we dont have to sit in a endless traffic jam to cross that one narrow bridge over the Clyde.

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