10 December 2024

Labor best keep an eye on the Price of Bean(s)

| Chris Johnson
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Woman sitting in garden

Voices of Bean has chosen Jessie Price as its independent candidate to contest the federal election. Photo: Supplied.

Take note David Smith MP, an independent is coming after you.

The community independents movement is ramping up ahead of next year’s federal election, and grassroots group Voices of Bean has chosen its candidate for the ACT’s most southern federal electorate.

Currently, Labor’s Smith holds the seat of Bean with a margin of 12.9 per cent.

Voices of Bean wants to change that and has named local midwife Jessie Price as the candidate to take it up to Labor.

Price is a mum, a former journalist, lives in the electorate, and says her whole career has been about connecting with people.

“I grew up in Cooma and used to come to the Hyperdome in Tuggeranong to go shopping,” she told Region.

“I worked as a journalist in South-East Asia and got involved with refugees in Myanmar and a wonderful program supporting midwives.

“I wanted to help out with my own two hands. So I became a midwife and have been for the past 10 or 11 years.

“I’m part of the world nursing and midwifery association and am quite involved in advocating for workers and the system.

“I’m 44 years old, I have a husband, two teenagers, two Jack Russells, and lots of frogs at the moment with the rain we’ve been having.”

The cost of living, housing, health care and access to it, climate change, plus more infrastructure on the south side of Canberra are Ms Price’s priorities.

She wants to run a people-centred campaign.

“I would love to have a stronger community, coming together more,” she said.

“And I want Bean to stop being taken for granted.

“With an independent in Federal Parliament, our electorate of Bean could hold the balance of power in a minority government.

“My whole career has been centred around connecting with people and advocating for better systems. I want politics that is truly for the people, our community, and our future, not for the parties.”

Taking on Labor in the ACT isn’t something Ms Price finds daunting.

“There are no safe seats anymore,” she said.

“People have a new literacy of independents. We’ve had the example of the amazing David Pocock here in the ACT in the Senate and we can do it in the House of Representatives too – in Bean.”

Voices of Bean is hoping to attract Climate 200 funding, which has helped numerous independent candidates get elected, including Senator Pocock.

READ ALSO Gallagher says Pocock will win first ACT Senate seat in next year’s election

Labor’s ACT senator Katy Gallagher said she expected Senator Pocock to be re-elected as the first ACT senator to get across the line in next year’s election.

She said even the Senate race in the ACT should now be considered a marginal seat contest.

Voices of Bean describes itself as a group of volunteers inspired by similar Community Independents groups around the country.

“The Community Independents movement started in 2013 when the people of Indi in Victoria demanded better representation and succeeded in having a community candidate, Cathy McGowan, replace the sitting MP in a ‘safe’ seat. Indi has been held by an Independent ever since,” the group states on its website.

“Taking inspiration from Indi, similar groups have sprung up around the country, with Zali Steggall being elected as the Member for Warringah in 2019, and then six more (‘Teal’) Independent MPs being elected in 2022, from WA, Victoria and NSW.

“And right here in the ACT, community group proACT endorsed an independent, David Pocock, for the Senate at the 2022 election, and he was elected.

“This is a movement that is reviving democracy in Australia and changing the way politics works. It is challenging the two-party system and giving voters more choice and more say in how they are represented.

“There have always been independent candidates, but it is the ones backed by a community movement who have a real chance of succeeding.”

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Smith is hopeless, unless handing out flags and flying to Norfolk Island is all that is required of the role. But independents have shown themseleves to be a potentially nutty as the Greeens are.
Labor have been terrible, to non existent in Bean. Greens are far to against everything and everyone these days. Neither party give any serious consideration as to who or how all of their dreams will be funded.

Anyone would be better than David Smith. No one seen or heard from him in 2.5 years. Yet he’ll come out of the woodwork soon, claiming he has delivered something and people gulliable will believe him. He knows he has a safe seat, so why would he work hard for his money?

Good luck with that in Labourland ACT. But WHY independants. We wpuld end up with a bunch of self centred cats all howling and meowing in different directions. A Parliamentary rabble. An ungovernable country. Well …. on reflection, maybe that’s better than a Labour party determined to wreck the place!

This comment is exactly why independents. People cheering one side or the other as if it’s a football team, no wonder the Labor and Liberal parties don’t look after us or address major problems in the economy, the environment or the climate.

They’ll get their votes from a segment of the population that doesn’t care about what they do, only that their team wins.

Julie Lindner5:41 pm 10 Dec 24

What are they there for then totally obsolete according to you. They should call out the totally inept management of the ACT Government.

@Julie Lindner
Oh, I don’t know – perhaps they are there to deal with legislation and associate matters for the whole of Australia … do you think that’s why they are the Australian parliament?

Climate 200 is a source of funds for independent community-based candidates who want to: respond to climate issues based on the science; support greater integrity in government; and advance gender equality. I don’t understand why people ‘put the boot’ into it or are scared of it. Why would you want a local member who does not support those issues? They aren’t left or right issues – they are common-sense.

Capital Retro6:12 pm 10 Dec 24

Climate 200 has links to investors in renewable energy. Do some research.

@Capital Retro
So what, CR? Labor, Liberal, National and Greens parties alll take donations from organisations which have commercial interests. Do you actually have a point to make?

Capital Retro9:09 am 11 Dec 24

Thanks for confirming my point JS.

As usual, pointless is your modus operandi.

Is anyone going to be surprised that a climate action group might have people involved in it that are also involved in the renewables sector?

Just like if there was an angry old man yelling at clouds group formed in Canberra, no body would be surprised if you were it’s chairperson.

Gina Rinehart has invested in renewable energy Capital (do some research) I guess that means the coalition should stop taking her money.

Capital Retro11:39 am 11 Dec 24

Which Liberal candidate is she supporting in the next ACT election, Seano?
Climate 200 only support individuals.

All of them the Captial that’s how donations to the party work.

Why are Gina’s donations OK but somehow Climate 200 donations aren’t?

Please explain it to me and make actual sense. Good luck with that.

Capital Retro3:26 pm 11 Dec 24

Watch your BP, JS9.
I might be old but you are the one that is angry.

“Watch your BP, JS9.
I might be old but you are the one that is angry.”

Standard Capital response when he has no answer (which is almost always)….either questions your age or offers some embarrassingly lame insult.

Proof that with age does not come wisdom.

Julie Lindner2:44 pm 10 Dec 24

Anyone would be better than Andrew Lea, David Smith and Katy Gallagher and Alicia Payne they do not represent Canberra at all. Just look at the deteriorating state of the National capital of Australia under their watch. They swan up to Parliament collect a good salary and ignore answering correspondence sent to them and you only hear from them by a flyer in the mail every three years telling you what a fantastic job they haven’t done.

@Julie Lindner
You do realise that since ACT became self governing in 1988, the federal parliament ceased to have responsibility for the upkeep of the “National capital of Australia”, and it is now the responsibility of the ACT government?

As for the area that is the responsibility of the federal government, Parliament House, I doubt anyone would disagree that the building and it’s surrounds are kept in pristine condition.

An independent ran in Bean in 2019 and 2022, Dr Jamie Christie got just over 8% each election.

Would this new independent get any more support? They are both frustrated with the 2-party system and both are the “voice of the community”. Both are local health workers, and both concerned with a lack of services in south Canberra.


I don’t know him personally, but from all reports, Jamie Christie is a really good guy who would have done a great job and deserved more support.

Hopefully, Jessie Price will get that support.

Not my electorate, but she seems sensible I’d vote for her.

If Canberra wants the Labor/Liberal parties to stop taking it for granted then Canberra needs to send more sensible independents to…*checks notes*…Canberra.

PS. Dog people are good people, she deserves a medal for having two Jack Russells.

Capital Retro7:36 am 10 Dec 24

So she has concerns about climate, wants the balance of power in a minority government and is being funded by Climate 200?
That’s not being an independent. I think there is a lot more she needs to tell us.

“So she has concerns about climate”….as all sensible people aware of the science are. Climate is not a left or right issue.

“wants the balance of power in a minority government”….she doesn’t say “wants”, it’s incredibly unlikely that any one person will hold the balance of power on their own, there’s lots of evidence to suggest minority governments produce better results, likely because they have to work with others to come to sensible compromises on important issues.

“is being funded by Climate 200?”…not true. She hopes to attract some funding, in the same way the Labor and Liberal parties hope to attract funding. If it’s OK for Labor and Liberal to have donors it should be OK for independents to also have donors.

“That’s not being an independent. I think there is a lot more she needs to tell us.”….garbage…she has sensible views that obviously clash with yours hence the attempt to smear with conspiracy.

Capital Retro9:30 am 10 Dec 24

She also chose to buy her groceries in Canberra when she was living in Cooma so she has demonstrated no loyalty to her community.
And you should keep up with the news about where the money is coming from: https://ground.news/article/climate-200-backs-federal-campaign-to-replace-a-labor-mp-with-an-independent

It doesn’t matter where the money is coming from any more than it does Labor/Liberal unless you’re a hypocrite.

There’s no requirement for any independent to vote any way other than in the best interests of their electorate. It’s the electorate they answer to not the party, that’s literally the point of electing independents.

PS. So you’ve never bought anything from outside of Canberra? Maybe Capital Hypocrite would be more accurate.

“She also chose to buy her groceries in Canberra when she was living in Cooma” – it doesn’t say she bought her groceries, it says she went shopping at Southpoint – it’s more likely it was the occasional clothes shopping or something like that. And it was when she was growing up, so it probably wasn’t even her choice. If anyone was failing to show loyalty to her community, it was her parents not her.
You are correct to note that Climate 200 now supports her. I don’t think there’s a problem with that, though. She is still an independent.
It would of course be good to find out more about her and her policies, but we have at least a couple of months to do that.

Well argued, Seano. Thank you.

Give it up pointless one.

Who cares where she chose to do her shopping?

And you continue to demonstrate zero ability to understand what ‘independent’ means in the context of the Australian political system.

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