13 September 2024

‘Legal aid for NIMBYs’: Housing group calls on ACT Government to scrap planning advice service for residents

| Oliver Jacques
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HIA's Greg Weller

HIA’s Greg Weller has criticised the new planning advisory service. Photo: Facebook/Housing Industry Association.

The Housing Industry Association (HIA) is calling on the ACT Government a scrap a new service designed to help residents impacted by planning decisions, describing it as “legal aid for NIMBYs”.

The Independent Planning Advisory Service (IPAS) is being established to enable residents to seek advice on lodging complaints or reviewing decisions on development application approvals and other property-related outcomes.

HIA Executive Director ACT/Southern NSW Greg Weller says IPAS is likely to worsen Canberra’s housing shortage.

“While on one hand, Labor has committed to seeing 30,000 new homes in the ACT by the end of 2030, on the other, the government is actively putting hurdles in the way of getting new housing approved,” he said.

“A government tender, which has recently closed, is to set up IPAS, which will include legal and planning expertise and provide support to lodge objections to housing development applications.

“The service will be a two-year pilot and will assist third parties that are trying to stop a development in Canberra or fight a planning decision … it can best be described as ‘legal aid for NIMBYs’.”

A NIMBY – which stands for ‘not in my backyard’ – is a pejorative term for someone who objects to further development in their own neighbourhood for selfish reasons.

Andrew Barr

Chief Minister Andrew Barr dismissed criticism of the new planning service. Photo: Thomas Lucraft.

Mr Weller questioned the point of setting up a new service he says will help NIMBYs.

“The paint is barely dry on the ACT’s new planning system – which is being cited as one of the pillars of government’s plan to unlock more housing development – yet at the same time, a new unit of government is being set up to give legal advice on how to fight against it,” he said.

“The planning system [already] has well-established mechanisms to provide public notification of proposed developments and pathways for people to seek more information or object to a project.”

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Chief Minister Andrew Barr dismissed the HIA’s call for IPAS to be scrapped at a press conference this week.

“We’ve set out some quite clear housing supply goals, 30,000 new dwellings over the next six years … there are a number of those projects that are proceeding as well, but they do have to be developed in accordance with the planning framework,” he said.

“Just as the Canberra Liberals can’t set aside the National Capital Plan, housing developers can’t set aside the Territory Plan either.”

The National Capital Plan defines designated areas of the capital that have special characteristics that restrict development opportunities. Mr Barr has argued that the Canberra Liberals ACT election promise to build a new 30,000-seat stadium at Acton Waterfront is not possible under the parameters of this Plan.

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devils_advocate8:01 am 17 Sep 24


More regulatory barriers = fewer developments = higher holding costs for those that do proceed = lower supply and higher prices

Not much to see here

Stephen Saunders6:36 am 16 Sep 24

The ACT Government and HIA dream of a city of 800,000, with undernourished infrastructure and services, and apartment blocks stretching from Wright up to Gungahlin.

Bit of a cheek, to whinge about “NIMBYs”, who have no real power, and are only pinpricks. HIA will have their way, for the next 30 years at least.

Baaaa is ONLY interested in building ‘homes’ (READ masses of units) along arterial roads which will be serviced by his tram set. Developers only want ‘homes’ in these places. Canberra = South Beijing. FFS Canberra Liberals pull your fingers out and stop this nonsense!

colin walters6:00 pm 15 Sep 24

The HIA’s protestations demonstrate exactly why this advice service is needed. Our members tell us that their representations against excesses by developers are ignored by the planning authority and are not listened to by the tribunal. The balance has tipped too far towards developers, and prospective new zoning laws will give them an even easier passage through the system. Colin Walters. Chair, Inner South Canberra Community Association

Bright Spark4:10 pm 15 Sep 24

Sorry, Mr Weller, but the planning system in the ACT is majorly skewed towards developers – as you well know. Conflict of interest much?

“The paint is barely dry on the ACT’s new planning system – which is being cited as one of the pillars of government’s plan to unlock more housing development – yet at the same time, a new unit of government is being set up to give legal advice on how to fight against it,” he (Mr Weller) said.

The ACT community – yes, all of us ratepayers – have been crying out for years for a FAIR GO against the speed and slick system that supports developers to express post their plans through the Labor/Greens system. It’s frustrating to see the HIA, so obviously conflicted in this space, be given front page space to spread such misinformation.

NIMBY is hardly for “selfish reasons”. Maybe trying to ruin the neighbourhood by more development is for selfish reasons.

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