Joy Burch has released some intriguing stats on childcare, which appear to show that better (or at least more compliant) childcare centres are cheaper.
The data found:
— The average cost of per day of long day childcare centres in the ACT that meet the new staff ratios is $76.91 (for 47 centres)
— The average cost of per day of long day childcare centres in the ACT that don’t meet the new staff ratios is $79.34 (for 59 centres)
— The average cost of private long day childcare centres in the ACT that meet the new staff ratios is $81.54 (for 9 centres)
— The average cost of private long day childcare centres in the ACT that don’t meet the new staff ratios is $81.67 (for 30 centres)
— The average cost of community-based long day childcare centres in ACT Government-owned accommodation that meet the new staff ratios is $78.10 (for 27 centres)
— The average cost of community-based long day childcare centres in ACT Government-owned accommodation that don’t meet the new staff ratios is $76.79 (for 25 centres)
— The average cost of community-based long day childcare centres in the ACT in private accommodation that meet the new staff ratios is $70.21 (for 11 centres)
— The average cost of COMMUNITY BASED long day childcare centres in the ACT in private accommodation that don’t meet the new staff ratios is $77.55 (for 4 centres)
— The cost per day of long day child care centres in the ACT in the top 30th percentile of qualified staff is $74.44 (for 32 centres)