11 August 2022

Let's make a racket about the Ken Behren's quiz

| Jeremy Jones
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Nick Kyrgios had a mighty win this week. Who did he beat? Photo: Instagram.

If you love your tennis, you will be off to a flying start in this week’s Ken Behren’s quiz.

Take the quiz alone, find a friend or challenge your workmates – but don’t scroll down to the bottom and peek at the answers until you are all done.

  1. Nick Kyrgios beat the world number one tennis player this week, who did he beat?
  2. Gordon Sumner, Andy Summer and Stewart Copeland were all members of which band?
  3. Which AFL team song is sung to the tune of the French national anthem, La Marseillaise?
  4. According to “#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly”, “Overweight Asian kid replaces old man’s dead wife on a journey to a waterfall” is the plot to which film?
  5. What colour is lobster blood?
  6. In a game of cricket, how many ways can a batsman get out?
  7. How many actors have won Oscars after appearing on Neighbours?
  8. The “Big Ad” was an ad for which beer?
  9. Macaroni, Gentoo and Adelie are all types of what?
  10. Jess and Lisa Origlasso are better known by what name?
  11. What year did Friends air for the first time?
  12. What is the main ingredient for the condiment tahini?
  13. What is the name given to the belief in which you are the only person who exists?
  14. “I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father” is a quote from which famous Australian?
  15. In 2008, Hamish and Andy invented a new flavour of potato chip and sold it to the masses. What flavour was the People’s chip?
  16. Which team did Australia beat in the football 31-0 in 2001?
  17. Which is taller: The Leaning Tower of Pisa or 1000 pizzas, in their boxes, stacked on top of one another?
  18. In what year did Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt go missing?
  19. Which country is the birthplace of the artist that released the song “Kids in America”?
  20. How many years are there in 2,629,746 minutes?


  1. Daniil Madvedev
  2. The Police
  3. Brisbane Lions
  4. Up
  5. Clear (and blue when exposed to oxygen)
  6. Ten
  7. One
  8. Carlton Draught
  9. Penguins
  10. Veronicas
  11. 1994
  12. Sesame seeds
  13. Solipsism
  14. Greg Norman
  15. Gravy
  16. American Samoa
  17. Leaning Tower of Pisa (by 18 metres)
  18. 1967
  19. England
  20. Five years

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