Whilst I’m much more happy contributing to schemes such as this than seeing the ACT Government wasting money on loss making infrastructure projects, I was not aware that this new charge on all vehicle registrations in the ACT would be introduced. Maybe I just missed it.
From 1 July 2014, we are already paying the increased Medicare Levy surcharge for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and then there is the compulsory third party insurance which is paid on vehicle registration (which is heaps of $).
You will see the new “levy” in your vehicle registration renewal notices.
The below extract is from www.act.gov.au/LTCSS
“Lifetime Care and Support Scheme
The ACT Government is rolling out a new no-fault insurance scheme to ensure Canberrans who are catastrophically injured in a car accident can manage their ongoing care needs into the future.
Under this new scheme, ACT motorists needing lifetime care as a result of a catastrophic injury will now have the opportunity to access a scheme targeted at providing long-term care and support. This has previously not existed in the ACT.
The Lifetime Care and Support Scheme will be funded by a levy on compulsory third party (CTP) insurance policies that commence on or after 1 July 2014.
The Lifetime Care and Support Scheme will pay for treatment, rehabilitation and care for people who have been catastrophically injured in a motor accident in the ACT.
The scheme will cover pedestrians, cyclists, motor bikes and motor vehicles so long as at least one vehicle involved in the motor accident had CTP cover, regardless of where fault is attributable for the accident.
The introduction of the Lifetime Care and Support Scheme is part of the implementation of the National Disability Scheme in the ACT, which will transform the way the ACT community supports people with a disability, their families and carers.
The scheme will help reduce the stress on those injured and their families that is often associated with litigating claims to meet ongoing treatment costs.
No-fault schemes are now being recognised as the modern approach to managing the ongoing needs of personal injury. The scheme brings the ACT in line with other jurisdictions, with similar no-fault schemes already operating in NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and the Northern Territory.
The Lifetime Care and Support Scheme Levy is set independently from Government by the ACT Lifetime Care and Support Commissioner.
The Levy will appear on motor vehicle registration notices for registration periods that commence on or after 1 July 2014.”