Liz Walton, Fertility Coach. Photos: Supplied.
Liz Walton is a therapist, coach and trainer with 25 years in the industry of therapy. Liz has helped many people in the areas of grief, depression and abuse. However, her own personal story of a 10-year struggle with infertility has made the issue a focal point in her work. After six IVF treatments, spending $60k and doing everything in her power to find answers, she finally decided to give up and let it all go. Three years later she fell pregnant naturally and had a baby at the age of 46. These experiences mean she has full empathy with all clients’ situations, having herself been there before. She now has a 100% success rate in helping her clients with fertility.
Meet Liz Walton – an extraordinary fertility coach
Meet Liz Walton – an extraordinary fertility coach who struggled with unsuccessful infertility therapies, including IVF, for ten years. Liz tells Nina Gbor about how she eventually conceived a child at the age of 45 and is now using her understanding of the infertility journey to help other women address the emotional issues around unexplained infertility.
Posted by The RiotACT on Saturday, July 14, 2018

Liz Walton and her daughter.
Website: www.lizwalton.org
Mobile: +61 432 427 464
Facebook: @LizWaltonfertilitycoach
Facebook Group: The Fertility Forum