As it’s not Sunday there’s no new stupidity from Markus Mannheim in the Canberra Times.
Fortunately the Canberra Liberals have stepped up to the plate with a screaming pile of madness which I shall now present in omnibus form.
At the top of the page we have Bill Stefaniak inserting his tongue far, far, up the rectum of the Howard Government as he demonstrates his incomprehension of the difference between legal privelige and some flunky typing “in-confidence” in hope across a document. Is Bill tiring of local politics and hoping if he wiggles his tongue right the kids on the big hill will invite him up to play?
“Here we have a Chief Minister who was happy to expose in the public arena, through posting it on his personal website, a Federal Government ‘draft-in-confidence’ document,”
Not to be outdone Richard Mulchay is calling on national institutions to pay less attention to their reason for existence and focus on what’s really important, the local hotel industry. Didn’t Richard used to work for the Hotel’s Association? Does Richard also tire of Local Politics?
“These institutions have a major impact on the ACT economy yet there is an impression that sometimes their focus is beyond the Territory with insufficient regard to their impact on the local economy.”
Richard then goes on to attack belt tightening. Sorry, I know the local libs are a false advertising case waiting to happen, but aren’t tories supposed to be in favour of smaller government?
In this orgy of insanity Steve Pratt is not to be left behind. He’s demanding that more street lights be installed in a car park which is about to be re-developed. A decade ago street lights cost around $10k a pop. I don’t imagine they’ve gotten any cheaper since.
Vicki Dunne then makes a sane if inconsequential contribution about Wayne Berry not being keen on his electorate getting railroaded on education consultation.
But Mad Tuesday doesn’t end there over on the October Newsroom page.
Vicki makes up for her rare lucid moment by weighing in on a water rights issue on the NSW/Queensland border. Now I think Cubbie Station needs dambusters mission called in on it myself, but hellooo how many hundred miles away is it?
Bill makes a valiant last stab at Dickhead of the Day with a call for Sport and Recreation ACT to be allowed to keep $240,000 it was overpaid by Treasury because, you know, sport is cool and stuff.
Seven Media Releases, only one of which I wouldn’t be ashamed to be associated with, in one day. Smashing stuff
Sadly the Government is offering up little such entertainment of late.