Two juveniles were apprehended following a pursuit involving a stolen motor vehicle last night in Belconnen (Friday February 18).
About 11.20pm police observed a stolen motor vehicle (a maroon Nissan NX Coupe) driving along Redfern Drive in Cook, before it turned into Belconnen Way.
Police followed the vehicle along Belconnen Way. Traffic Operations positioned on Haydon Drive attempted to conduct a traffic stop. The vehicle failed to stop and a pursuit ensued.
The vehicle was pursued along Mary Potter Circuit in the Calvary Hospital grounds where it was travelling at a speed of 40km/h and crossed onto the wrong side of the road. There was no other traffic present.
The vehicle crossed over a grassed area and returned to Haydon Drive. Traffic Operations pursued the vehicle until it turned right onto Belconnen Way, travelling West in the Eastbound lanes at which point the pursuit was terminated.
A Belconnen patrol travelling on Belconnen Way observed the vehicle stop and its occupants run into bush. A cordon was put in place to search the area. The ACT Policing Canine Unit was also deployed.
A 15-year-old male and a 15-year-old female, passengers of the vehicle, were apprehended. The driver has been identified but has yet to be apprehended.
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