A man has been caught drink driving twice in one night. Photo: AFP.
A 24-year-old Latham man has been caught drink driving twice in the one night by police.
At about 4:10 am on Sunday (23 October), ACT Policing was conducting routine patrols in Belconnen when they saw a Holden Commodore utility stopped on the incorrect side of the road.
Officers were able to approach the vehicle on foot and they observed the driver who appeared to be disorientated.
The man was taken to Belconnen Police Station where he returned a blood alcohol reading of 0.149.
His licence was immediately suspended and he was instructed to find alternative transport home before being released from custody.
However, less than 10 minutes later, officers observed that the Holden utility had been moved.
Suspecting the 24-year-old had driven the vehicle, officers attended his residence. Soon after, they observed the man in his utility drive into his street and pull into his driveway.
The man was asked to exit the vehicle, where officers informed him that he was driving unlicenced and was transported back to Belconnen Police Station to undergo a second breath analysis.
His second breath analysis produced a reading of 0.130. He was then transported to the ACT Watch House.
The man was later granted bail and is scheduled to appear in court in November to face two drink driving charges and one charge of unlicenced driving.
ACT Policing has reminded the community that the ACT Road Toll for 2022 currently stands at 18 deaths and impaired driving remains one of the fatal five factors involved in serious and fatal collisions.