Former Canberra Raiders captain Alan Tongue has joined ACT Policing and Kidsafe in urging Canberrans to click clack front and back.
ACT Policing will be focusing on seatbelts for the month of March as part of its ongoing traffic enforcement campaign.
Every year in Australia more than 20 per cent of all the road fatalities involve a person, including children, not being properly restrained.
Tongue said seat belts saved lives and there was no excuse for not wearing one.“Seat belts are a proven safety feature. You greatly reduce the chances of being seriously injured or killed in a collision if you’re wearing a seat belt and that belt is properly adjusted,” Tongue said.
“As a parent of three young children I know the importance of ensuring my kids are always properly secured within a vehicle.”
Officer-In-Charge of Traffic Operations, Sergeant Rod Anderson said drivers carried the full responsibility for their passengers wearing seat belts.
“It is an offence to drive while not wearing your seatbelt or to permit passengers of any age to travel in your car without seatbelts,” Sergeant Anderson said.“It’s also crucial to ensure all children travelling in the vehicle are correctly restrained in a suitable approved child restraint which is properly fastened and adjusted, or occupy a seating position fitted with a suitable seatbelt and wear the seatbelt properly adjusted and fastened, even for short trips.”
ACT Policing statistics show that 709 individuals were given a traffic infringement notice (TIN) for driving without a seatbelt in 2012 (up 147 on 2011).So far in 2013 there has been 58 TINs issued for individuals driving without a seatbelt in the ACT.
The fine for not having a seat belt properly fastened is $303 + 3 demerit points.
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