The Greens’ Amanda Bresnan is pointing out that there’s been a rise in the incidence of mental illness in the ACT:
“The ACT Chief Health Officer’s report shows that mental disorders now make up 15% of the burden of disease in the ACT, compared with 13% in the 2008 report.
“Mental disorders also now make up 5% of the mortality rate in the ACT. National figures show that for young people this rate is much higher as mental illness is the biggest cause of death amongst women aged under-34 and men aged under 44.
“The ALP-ACT Greens Parliamentary Agreement calls on the ACT Government to move towards providing 12% of the health budget to mental health – but the Government have made slow progress in moving towards this rate over the last two years.
With the rise in mental illness eerily matching the rise in the Greens’ vote in the ACT you’d think she’d be all for it!