Simon Corbell has put out a media release announcing a “Suburban Policing Strategy” whereby there’s a fighting chance that people might actually get to know the police in their neighbourhood.
Sadly the language of the media release does very little to inspire confidence.
An “important conduit” sounds a bit vague. That the “teams” will be “proactive” is highly suspect.
In fact there’s a whole paragraph which seems to be resting on thin air:
To have police teams proactive in patrolling specific, assigned suburbs and dealing with those crime issues which directly affect people within those areas can only build on the trust and cooperation between police and the community.
“Is intended to” perhaps? “It is hoped” maybe?
Finally we have the chilling news that this is part of “fresh and innovative strategies”, surely a kiss of death if ever there was one.
Monika Boogs is listed as the media contact on the release, which could explain everything.